Daina Taimina

Contact information:

E-mail: daina.taimina(at)cornell.edu and daina.taiminaa(at)gmail.com

Web page:  http://www.math.cornell.edu/~dtaimina/

Blog:  Hyperbolic Crochet:  http://hyperbolic-crochet.blogspot.com/

Current positions:

Freelance author, educator, and artist

Retired Adjunct Associate Professor of Mathematics, Cornell University

Formal academic education:

Dr. math., University of Latvia, 1992

Candidate of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (PhD in the West), Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of Belorussia. Thesis: "Behavior of Different Types of Automata and Turing Machines on Infinite Words", 1990, advisor: Rusins-Martins Freivalds

Masters summa cum laude, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia, 1977

Past academic positions:

2013-2016. Senior Consultant, Understanding Space Trough Engineering Design, National Science Foundation funded project focusing on K-5 mathematics.  My responsibilities were the artistic and engineering design aspects of the project.

Jan-May 2015. Visiting Professor of Mathematics, Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie.

Summer 2013. Professor: Elite Education International Summer School, Beijing.

2007 - 2013. Adjunct Associate Professor: Department of Mathematics, Cornell University

Summers 2006 and 2009. Lecturer: DC Fellows Advancement, Masters degree program for middle-grade mathematics teachers, The Washington University, Washington, DC.

1997-2006. Senior Research Associate and Visiting Associate Professor: Cornell University.

1977-2000. Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Docent: Department of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia. (I still hold the title of Docent.)

1992-1996. Editor: in publishing houses "Zvaigzne" and "Macibu gramata", Riga, Latvia.

1976-1981, 1991-1992. Mathematics teacher in high school, Riga, Latvia.

Grant support:

2013-2016: senior consultant on NSF grant “Understanding Space through Engineering Design”

2011-2014: advisory board, “Developing and Integrating Spatial Mathematics and Engineering”. National Science Foundation project

2007-2010: advisory board for NSF grant "Geometry Playground: An Immersive Learning Laboratory" (Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA)

2004 - Feb 2006: senior personnel on Institute for Museum and Library Sciences grant to support “A Digital Library of Printable Machines: Models for Collection Building and Educational Outreach”, $499,710.

2002-2004: senior personnel on National Science Foundation NSDL Grant to support the on-line interactive display of historical kinematic mechanism collection and to prepare associated mathematical, historical, and educational materials for use in schools and universities, $725,088

2001: part of National Science Foundation grant to MAA for "Professional Enhancement Programs" to support "Teaching Undergraduate Geometry" workshop, June 2001, $23,000.

1995:  Soros Foundation travel grant to participate in ICMI Study, Italy.

1980-1982:  supported by a grant from The Kurchatov Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR