Daina Taimina
E-mail: daina.taimina(at)cornell.edu and daina.taiminaa(at)gmail.com
Web page: http://www.math.cornell.edu/~dtaimina/
Blog: Hyperbolic Crochet: http://hyperbolic-crochet.blogspot.com/
Freelance author, educator, and artist
Retired Adjunct Associate Professor of Mathematics, Cornell University
Dr. math., University of Latvia, 1992
Candidate of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (PhD in the West), Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of Belorussia. Thesis: "Behavior of Different Types of Automata and Turing Machines on Infinite Words", 1990, advisor: Rusins-Martins Freivalds
Masters summa cum laude, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia, 1977
2013-2016. Senior Consultant, Understanding Space Trough Engineering Design, National Science Foundation funded project focusing on K-5 mathematics. My responsibilities were the artistic and engineering design aspects of the project.
Jan-May 2015. Visiting Professor of Mathematics, Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie.
Summer 2013. Professor: Elite Education International Summer School, Beijing.
2007 - 2013. Adjunct Associate Professor: Department of Mathematics, Cornell University
Summers 2006 and 2009. Lecturer: DC Fellows Advancement, Masters degree program for middle-grade mathematics teachers, The Washington University, Washington, DC.
1997-2006. Senior Research Associate and Visiting Associate Professor: Cornell University.
1977-2000. Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Docent: Department of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia. (I still hold the title of Docent.)
1992-1996. Editor: in publishing houses "Zvaigzne" and "Macibu gramata", Riga, Latvia.
1976-1981, 1991-1992. Mathematics teacher in high school, Riga, Latvia.
2013-2016: senior consultant on NSF grant “Understanding Space through Engineering Design”
2011-2014: advisory board, “Developing and Integrating Spatial Mathematics and Engineering”. National Science Foundation project
2007-2010: advisory board for NSF grant "Geometry Playground: An Immersive Learning Laboratory" (Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA)
2004 - Feb 2006: senior personnel on Institute for Museum and Library Sciences grant to support “A Digital Library of Printable Machines: Models for Collection Building and Educational Outreach”, $499,710.
2002-2004: senior personnel on National Science Foundation NSDL Grant to support the on-line interactive display of historical kinematic mechanism collection and to prepare associated mathematical, historical, and educational materials for use in schools and universities, $725,088
2001: part of National Science Foundation grant to MAA for "Professional Enhancement Programs" to support "Teaching Undergraduate Geometry" workshop, June 2001, $23,000.
1995: Soros Foundation travel grant to participate in ICMI Study, Italy.
1980-1982: supported by a grant from The Kurchatov Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR