Lionel Levine
Department of Mathematics
Cornell University
Hello, I'm Lionel! I study
abelian networks . These are
interacting particle systems whose final state does not depend on the order of interactions. From another point of view, they are systems of
communicating automata that pass messages to perform an asynchronous computation. I was inspired to work in this area by
Deepak Dhar ,
Cris Moore ,
Yuval Peres , and
Jim Propp .
If you want to learn a bit about this fascinating nexus of math, computer science, and statistical physics, I recommend starting with
WHAT IS a sandpile? for a non-technical overview, and
Laplacian growth, sandpiles, and scaling limits for a more recent survey.
Some highlights of my research are the
scaling limit of the abelian sandpile in Z^2 where an
Apollonian circle packing makes a surprise appearance, the
staircase for parallel chip-firing,
refuting the density conjecture for sandpiles,
logarithmic fluctuations for internal DLA,
asynchronous circuits with integer input and output,
fast simulation of growth models, a generalization of
Knuth's formula for spanning trees, and word equations in
uniquely divisible groups .
I thank
Open Philanthropy ,
National Science Foundation ,
Sloan Foundation ,
Simons Foundation , and
Institute for Advanced Study for supporting my research.
I'm an editor of
Combinatorial Theory , a open-source journal with no author fees and double-blind refereeing. Please submit your work to CT!
Eliott Glazer et al.
FrontierMath: A benchmark for evaluating advanced mathematical reasoning in AI
Rowan Hess and Lionel Levine
How to quantify the coherence of a set of beliefs
Wilson Wu , John X. Morris and Lionel Levine
Do language models plan ahead for future tokens?
CoLM 2024
Lionel Levine and Vittoria Silvestri
Universality conjectures for Activated Random Walk
Probability Surveys (2024) 21: 1-27
Lionel Levine and Feng Liang
Exact sampling and fast mixing of Activated Random Walk
Electronic Journal of Probability (2024) 29:1--20
Viktor Kiss , Lionel Levine , and Lilla Tóthmérész
The devil's staircase for chip-firing on random graphs and on graphons
Random Structures and Algorithms (2024)
Lila Greco and Lionel Levine
Branching in a Markovian environment
Markov Processes and Related Fields (2023) 29(1):1--33
Swee Hong Chan and Lionel Levine
Abelian networks IV. Dynamics of nonhalting networks
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society (2022) 276, 1358
Lionel Levine , Hanbaek Lyu and John Pike
Double jump phase transition in a random soliton cellular automaton
International Math Research Notices (2022) 665--727
Lionel Levine and Vittoria Silvestri
How far do Activated Random Walkers spread from a single source?
Journal of Statistical Physics (2021) 185, 18
Swee Hong Chan , Lila Greco, Lionel Levine , and Peter Li
Random walks with local memory
Journal of Statistical Physics 184 (2021), Article 6, 28 pp.
Lionel Levine and Vittoria Silvestri
How long does it take for internal DLA to forget its intitial profile?
Probability Theory and Related Fields (2019) 174:1219--1271
Shirshendu Ganguly , Lionel Levine and Sourav Sarkar
Formation of large-scale random structure by competitive erosion
Annals of Probability (2019) 47:3649--3704
Bob Hough , Daniel C. Jerison and Lionel Levine
Sandpiles on the square lattice
Communications in Mathematical Physics (2019) 367:33--87
Daniel C. Jerison , Lionel Levine and John Pike
Mixing time and eigenvalues of the abelian sandpile Markov chain
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (2019) 372:8307--8345
Alexander E. Holroyd , Lionel Levine and Peter Winkler
Abelian logic gates
Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing (2019) 28:388--422
Wilfried Huss , Lionel Levine and Ecaterina Sava-Huss
Interpolating between random walk and rotor walk
Random Structures & Algorithms (2018) 52:263--282
Lionel Levine and Yuval Peres
Laplacian growth, sandpiles and scaling limits
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (2017) 54:355--382
Shirshendu Ganguly , Lionel Levine , Yuval Peres and James Propp
Formation of an interface by competitive erosion
Probability Theory and Related Fields (2017) 168:455--509
Elisabetta Candellero , Shirshendu Ganguly , Christopher Hoffman and Lionel Levine
Oil and water: a two-type internal aggregation model
Annals of Probability (2017) 45:4019--4070
Lionel Levine , Wesley Pegden and Charles K. Smart
Apollonian structure of integer superharmonic matrices
Annals of Math (2017) 186:1--67
Lionel Levine and
Ramis Movassagh
The gap of the area-weighted Motzkin spin chain is exponentially small
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50.25 (2017)
Lionel Levine , Wesley Pegden and Charles K. Smart
Apollonian structure in the abelian sandpile
Geometric and Functional Analysis (2016) 26(1):306--336
Benjamin Bond and Lionel Levine
Abelian networks III. The critical group
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (2016) 43:635--663
Benjamin Bond and Lionel Levine
Abelian networks II. Halting on all inputs
Selecta Mathematica (2016) 22:319--340
Benjamin Bond and Lionel Levine
Abelian networks I. Foundations and examples
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (2016) 30:856--874
Matthew Farrell and Lionel Levine
CoEulerian graphs
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2016) 144:2847--2860
Matthew Farrell and Lionel Levine
Multi-Eulerian tours of directed graphs
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2016) 23:P2.21
Lionel Levine , Mathav Murugan , Yuval Peres and
The divisible sandpile at critical density
Annales Henri Poincare (2016) 17(7):1677-1711
Laura Florescu , Lionel Levine and Yuval Peres
The range of a rotor walk
American Mathematical Monthly (2016) 123(7):627--642
Lionel Levine
Threshold state and a conjecture of Poghosyan, Poghosyan, Priezzhev and Ruelle
Communications in Mathematical Physics (2015) 335(2):1003–-1017
Louis J. Billera , Lionel Levine and Karola Mészáros
How to decompose a permutation into a pair of labeled Dyck paths by playing a game
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2015) 143:1865-–1873
David Jerison , Lionel Levine and Scott Sheffield
Internal DLA and the Gaussian free field
Duke Mathematical Journal (2014) 163(2):267–-308
Lionel Levine and Yuval Peres
The looping constant of Z^d
Random Structures & Algorithms (2014) 45:1--13
Laura Florescu , Shirshendu Ganguly , Lionel Levine and Yuval Peres
Escape rates for rotor walks in Z^d
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (2014) 28(1):323--334
Lionel Levine , Scott Sheffield and Katherine E. Stange
A duality principle for selection games
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2013) 141(12): 4349--4356
Christopher J. Hillar , Lionel Levine and Darren Rhea
Equations solvable by radicals in a uniquely divisible group
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (2013) 45(1): 61--79
Tobias Friedrich and Lionel Levine
Fast simulation of large-scale growth models
Random Structures & Algorithms (2013) 42: 185–-213
David Jerison , Lionel Levine and Scott Sheffield
Internal DLA in higher dimensions
Electronic Journal of Probability (2013) 18(98): 1--14
David Jerison , Lionel Levine and Scott Sheffield
Logarithmic fluctuations for internal DLA
Journal of the American Mathematical Society (2012) 25: 271--301
Giuliano Giacaglia, Lionel Levine , James Propp and Linda Zayas-Palmer
Local-to-global principles for the hitting sequence of a rotor walk
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2012) 19: P5
Lionel Levine
Sandpile groups and spanning trees of directed line graphs
Journal of Combinatorial Theory A (2011) 118: 350-–364
Lionel Levine
Parallel chip-firing on the complete graph: devil's staircase and Poincaré rotation number
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2011) 31: 891--910
Wouter Kager and Lionel Levine
Rotor-router aggregation on the layered square lattice
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2010) 17: R152
Anne Fey , Lionel Levine and David B. Wilson
Driving sandpiles to criticality and beyond
Physical Review Letters (2010) 104: 145703
Anne Fey , Lionel Levine and David B. Wilson
The approach to criticality in sandpiles
Physical Review E (2010) 82: 031121
Wouter Kager and Lionel Levine
Diamond Aggregation
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (2010) 149: 351--372
Anne Fey , Lionel Levine and Yuval
Growth rates and explosions in sandpiles
Journal of Statistical Physics (2010) 138: 143--159
Lionel Levine and Yuval Peres
Scaling limits for internal aggregation models with multiple sources
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique (2010) 111: 151--219
Itamar Landau and Lionel Levine
The rotor-router model on regular trees
Journal of Combinatorial Theory A (2009) 116: 421--433
Lionel Levine and Yuval
Strong spherical asymptotics for rotor-router aggregation and the divisible sandpile
Potential Analysis 30 (2009), 1--27
Lionel Levine
The sandpile group of a tree
European Journal of Combinatorics 30 (2009) 1026--1035
Alexander E. Holroyd ,
Lionel Levine ,
Karola Mészáros ,
Yuval Peres ,
James Propp and
David B. Wilson
Chip-firing and rotor-routing on directed graphs
in In
and Out of Equilibrium II , Progress in Probability vol. 60 (Birkhauser, 2008)
Lionel Levine and Yuval Peres
Spherical asymptotics for the rotor-router model in Z^d
Indiana University Mathematics Journal 57 (2008), no. 1, 431--450
Christopher J. Hillar and Lionel Levine
Polynomial recurrences and cyclic resultants
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 135 (2007), 1607--1618
Lionel Levine
Fractal sequences and restricted Nim
Ars Combinatoria 80 (2006), 113--127
Expository notes:
Selected talks:
(upcoming ) MATH 6720: Graduate Probability II, Spring 2025
(current ) MATH 7710: Topics in Probability: Math for AI Safety , Fall 2024
MATH 1340: Strategy, Cooperation, and Conflict, Spring 2023
MATH 6710: Graduate Probability I, Fall 2022
MATH 7710: Topics in Probability: Limits of discrete random structures , Spring 2022
MATH 6710: Graduate Probability I, Fall 2021
MATH 1110: Calculus I, Fall 2021
MATH 6720: Graduate Probability II , Spring 2021
MATH 6710: Graduate Probability I , Fall 2020
MATH 7710: Topics in Probability: Abelian Sandpiles and Abelian Networks , Fall 2020
MATH 4210: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos , Spring 2020
MATH 6720: Graduate Probability II , Spring 2020
MATH 6710: Graduate Probability I, Fall 2019
MATH 6720: Graduate Probability II , Spring 2018
MATH 6720: Graduate Probability II, Spring 2017
MATH 1340: Mathematics and Politics , Spring 2016
MATH 4740: Stochastic Processes , Spring 2015
MATH 6710: Probability I , Fall 2014
MATH 4740: Stochastic Processes , Spring 2014
MATH 4740: Stochastic Processes , Spring 2013
MATH 7770: Topics in Probability: Laplacian Growth , Fall 2012
18.312 Algebraic
Combinatorics , Spring 2011
Some unpublished papers and notes:
(with Yuval Peres ) Internal erosion and the
exponent 3/4 describes how an unusual exponent arises from a very simple erosion process in one dimension. The proof we give
is due to Kingman and Volkov (2003), who thought of this not as an erosion process but as a model of a
gunfight (!)
Orlik-Solomon Algebras of
Hyperplane Arrangements , an expository paper proving the basic theorem
of Orlik-Solomon and Brieskorn on the cohomology ring of the complement of
a complex arrangement, along with some remarks about the associated
combinatorics of the intersection lattice.
My Ph.D. thesis , advised by Yuval Peres at Berkeley, used ideas from free boundary problems in PDE to prove limit shapes for both random and deterministic growth models. This topic has advanced a lot in the last fifteen years. Our article Laplacian growth, sandpiles and scaling limits surveys some of the advances.
My senior thesis on the rotor-router model
was advised by Jim Propp .
Confounding factors for
Hamilton's rule , the final paper for an anthropology class I took in
2002. I found that the rule is surprisingly
sensitive to changes in Hamilton's original hypotheses, which casts some
doubt on the evolutionary stability of kin selection.
Hall's marriage theorem and Hamiltonian
cycles in graphs , the final paper from a spring 2001 reading course
with Richard Stanley.
A graph on n=24 vertices having no Hamiltonian cycle, in which every set of k<22 vertices
is adjacent to at least k+3 vertices:
Some basic results on Sturmian
words , written before I knew that's what they were called. These
results are all known in some form. Theorem 1 and the surprising
corollary to Theorem 2 go back to Morse and Hedlund (1940).
The beginning of the factor tree of the Sturmian word of slope sqrt(2)/2 and intercept zero:
Fun Stuff!
integer sequence , a
hat problem , a
prediction contest , and
how to make the most of a shared meal ! Recently I've been thinking about
multi-agent learning .
Thanks for visiting my homepage! You can find me at
@lionellevine or (my last name) @
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