CTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"> Research Experiences for Undergraduates at Cornell Math
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Welcome to Cornell Math's Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR/REU)

This program provides the opportunity for undergraduate students of mathematics to participate in leading-edge research. Each year, we offer at least three different projects, each led by an expert in the field.

This year, some projects are designated "SPUR" and others are designated "REU." The difference between SPUR and REU projects is the funding available:

Student funding for SPUR projects comes from Cornell. To receive funding, you need to be a Cornell student but do not need to be a US citizen or resident.

Student funding for REU projects comes from the US National Science Foundation. For this, you need to be a US citizen or permanent resident, but do not need to be a Cornell student.

If you come with your own funding, the above restrictions do not apply, but of course you will still be subject to the same competitive selection process.

See the project descriptions for more information on the current program.

Results from Previous Years







Older Work
