Publications of Nicolas Templier

Publications and Preprints
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A link to the journal is provided whenever available. The arXiv version may differ slightly from the final published version.

Proceedings volumes

    Relative trace formulas, W. Muller, S.W. Shin, and N.T. (Editors), Simons Symposia, Springer Verlag (2021).
    Articles by R. Beuzart-Plessis, V. Blomer, S. Friedberg, W.-T. Gan, V. Ginzburg, B. Gross, M. Harris, D. Jiang, T. Kobayashi, E. Lapid, Y. Liu, R. Munshi, A. Pollack, B. Speh, X. Wan, L. Zhang.
    Link to published version

    Geometric aspects of the trace formula, W. Muller, S.W. Shin, and N.T. (Editors), Simons Symposia, Springer Verlag (2018).
    Articles by J. Arthur, P.-H.Chaudouard, T. Finis, W.-T. Gan, W. Hoffmann, W.-W.Li, D. Jiang, E. Lapid, B. Liu, P. Mezo, C. Moeglin, D. Renard, F. Shahidi, M. Solleveld, Y. Sakellaridis, B. Speh, M. Tadic.
    Link to published version

    Families of automorphic forms and the trace formula, W. Muller, S.W. Shin, and N.T. (Editors), Simons Symposia, Springer Verlag (2016).
    Articles by J. Arthur, K. Buzzard and T. Gee, R. Cluckers J. Gordon and I. Halupczok, R. Holowinksy, H. Hida, W. Hoffmann, T. Kaletha, J. Kim, S. Marshall, J. Matz, S. Miller, W. Muller, P. Sarnak, S.W. Shin, N.T.
    Link to published version Link to MathSciNet review

PhD Thesis

    N. T., Points speciaux et valeurs speciales de fonctions L
    Montpellier, June 2008, under the supervision of Ph. Michel.

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