Building Contacts and After Hours Access Policies
After hours access policies for the following buildings are accurate as of the date noted in parentheses. This information is collected regularly for buildings where evening math prelims and after hours final exams are scheduled. If you have questions, please contact Michelle Klinger.
Building Contact Person | Evening Access Policy | |
BDF | Bradfield Hall Brian Flannigan |
OPEN - Tower Road and Emerson North building entrances are unlocked until 10:00 p.m. on weekdays. (July 2017) |
BKL | Baker Lab Dave Neish 255-7309 |
OPEN - Building and classrooms are not locked. After hours, if needed, call 227-1580. (September 2021) |
BLY | Bailey Hall | OPEN - A technician from CIT will unlock the front doors about half an hour before the exam starts and will lock the doors afterward. (September 2021) |
GTS | Gates Hall Derek Griffiths |
OPEN - Gates Hall is open 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. weekdays and 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. weekends. Room G01 is open the same hours as the building. (February 2024) |
GSH | Goldwin Smith Hall Eric Fields 255-4262 |
OPEN - Building and classrooms always open. (September 2021) |
HLS | Hollister Hall Paul Charles 255-1041 |
OPEN - Building entrances facing the north and east (engineering quad) are open until 9:00 p.m., 7 days a week. (January 2022) |
IVS | Ives Hall David Lippincott 255-9071 |
OPEN - Building and classrooms are unlocked Monday-Thursday evenings until 10:30 p.m. Building locks at 5:00 p.m. on Fridays and generally remains locked all day Saturday and Sunday. (September 2021) |
KLR | Klarman Hall Eric Fields 255-4262 |
OPEN - Building and classrooms always open. (September 2021) |
KMB | Kimball Hall Patricia Gonyea 255-8588 |
OPEN - After-hours building access is through Thurston Hall with a Cornell ID. The card reader is to the right of the Thurston Hall quad entry. There is another card reader at the parking lot level on a post with the automatic door opener. (January 2022) |
KND | Kennedy Hall Hope Spicer 255-1607 |
OPEN - A Call Auditorium staff member unlocks the auditorium (usually 30 minutes before an evening exam) and is onsite and available during exams in case the proctors need help with AV or computer equipment. In the unlikely event that the auditorium is not unlocked, call (607) 253-2001. (September 2021) |
MCG | McGraw Hall Eric Fields 255-4262 |
OPEN - Building and classrooms always unlocked. (February 2024) |
MLT | Malott Hall Joy Jones 255-9743 |
OPEN - Building is open when the Math Library is open, including until 8 PM on Tuesday and Thursday nights throughout the semester. (September 2021) |
MRS | Morrison Hall Jessica Carpenter 255-5497 |
LOCKED - Classrooms are supposed to be unlocked but could get locked by mistake. Get a key from the main office, 149 Morrison Hall. Please pick up keys the day of the exam; they can be slipped under the door when the exam is over. (June 2019) |
MVR | Martha van Rensselaer Kyle Rouleau 255-2200 |
OPEN - The building is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 8 pm, and Saturday and Sunday, 8 am to 6 pm. (February 2024) |
OLH | Olin Hall Thom Quinn 255-3540 |
OPEN - Building entrances are unlocked until 10:00 p.m., and classrooms are unlocked until 11:00 p.m. These are all card reader locks that are programmed to unlock and lock at specific times. Special access requests can be made via and the programming temporarily modified. (September 2021) |
PHL | Phillips Hall Patricia Gonyea 255-8588 |
OPEN - Building and classrooms are open 24 hours a day. (September 2021) |
PLS | Plant Science Building CALS Student Services 255-2257 |
OPEN - Classrooms and the building will be open weekdays 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. (February 2020) |
RCK | Rockefeller Hall Jenny Wurster 255-2371 |
LOCKED - For rooms 201 (Schwartz Aud) or 203, pick up keys from Jenny Wurster (jew16), located in Rockefeller 202. Please call ahead (255-2371). The building and other Rockefeller classrooms are open. Back-up support: Jonathan Lagasse (jl4463, 255-6034) and Mark Lory-Moran (ml622, 255-2398). (October 2024) |
RRB | Riley-Robb Hall Nicole Albright 255-2465 |
LOCKED - The building is open until 8:30 p.m. If using room 125, contact Nicole for an access code in case the room is locked. (June 2019) |
STL | Statler Hall Jeff Hetzel 255-6383 |
OPEN - The building is open, and the auditorium and/or classrooms are left unlocked on nights when a prelim is scheduled there. The after hours emergency contact number is 255-8559 (Computer Lab). (September 2021) |
SWZ | Schwartz Center for Performing Arts |
LOCKED - Assumed locked, but correct information will be posted here shortly. (September 2021) |
URH | Uris Hall John Dawson 255-6340 |
OPEN - Uris Hall - building entrances, auditorium, and classrooms (except G28) - is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week year round. (September 2021) |
WRN | Warren Hall Steven Hatfield 592-5674 |
OPEN - The building is open and classrooms unlocked for scheduled prelims. (January 2022) |