Fall 2024 - Proctored Rooms for Make-Up and Extended-Time Exams
These proctored rooms exists to ease some of the burden on instructors and TAs of large courses when it comes to offering make-ups and extended-time exams. Any course can use the rooms, provided the instructor and student agree. This arrangement should not be interpreted as limiting what is possible or defining what is appropriate. It is the responsibility of the course instructor or czar to determine when and under what circumstances make-up exams will be offered, and in some cases it may be necessary for a course to reserve a room (contact Mikki) and supply its own proctor.
Instructions for Using Proctored Exam Rooms / What to Expect
DTAP Marie MacDonald has arranged for the university's Alternative Testing Program (ATP) to supply proctors for the accommodations listed below. The procedure outlined here is different from recent semesters, so please read carefully.
- Proctors will arrive 30 minutes before the exam start times listed for each room below. Each course must designate a person (instructor, TA, or course coordinator) to deliver exams to the proctors at the exam room before the exam start time.
- Please put blank exams for each room in an envelope labeled with your name and course number, and be sure to include a few extra exams in case an extra student shows up.
- Include with the exams: your name and contact information; a list of students taking the exam (name and net ID) and their accommodations (e.g., 50% extra time); exam instructions, such as "no calculators" or "one note card allowed". (This form may be used to provide the information.)
- Be sure to exchange contact information with the proctors and let them know what the procedure is for students with questions during the exam or if you may make announcements during the exam.
- If you are the designated department liaison for that exam room, you will also be given a key to the grading room (Malott 260) to deliver to the proctors with your exams.
- Unless you request other arrangements, the proctors with return all complete exams, other materials, and the key to Malott 260.
Evening Prelim Accommodations
A student scheduled to take two exams at 7:30 PM may take a MATH exam in the conflict room, then take a second exam at the regularly scheduled time and place. The extended time room is a quiet room for students with disabilities. Everyone starts at 7:00 PM with the ending time determined by each student’s accommodation (e.g., 150% time ends at 9:15 PM, 200% time ends at 10:00 PM).
Date | Provision | Time | Location | Dept Liaison |
Sep 26 | Conflict Room with Extended Time for MATH 1120 | 3:30 – 6:30 PM | Malott 251 | Sam Cooper (sc326) |
Sep 26 | Conflict Room for MATH 1120 | 5:00 – 6:30 PM | Malott 253 | Sam Cooper (sc326) |
Sep 26 | Extended Time for MATH 1120 | 7:00 – 10:00 PM | Malott 207 | Sam Cooper (sc326) |
Date | Provision | Time | Location | Dept Liaison |
Oct 1 | Conflict Room for MATH 1110 | 5:00 – 6:30 PM | Malott 253 | |
Date | Provision | Time | Location | Dept Liaison |
Oct 8 | Conflict Room with Extended Time for all courses | 3:30 – 6:30 PM | Malott 251 | Ed Swartz (ebs22) |
Oct 8 | Conflict Room for all courses | 5:00 – 6:30 PM | Malott 253 | Ed Swartz (ebs22) |
Oct 8 | Extended Time for MATH 3110 | 7:00 – 10:00 PM | Malott 207 | David Zywina (djz44) |
Date | Provision | Time | Location | Dept Liaison |
Oct 10 | Conflict Room with Extended Time for all courses | 3:30 – 6:30 PM | Malott 251 | Jonathan Lafler (jnl88) |
Oct 10 | Conflict Room for MATH 2930, 2940 | 5:00 – 6:30 PM | Malott 253 | Jonathan Lafler (jnl88) |
Oct 10 | Conflict Room for MATH 1910, 1920, 2220, 4310 | 5:00 – 6:30 PM | Malott 228 | Jonathan Lafler (jnl88) |
Oct 10 | Extended Time for MATH 4310 | 7:00 – 10:00 PM | Malott 207 | Jonathan Lafler (jnl88) |
Date | Provision | Time | Location | Dept Liaison |
Nov 12 | * Conflict Room with Extended Time for all courses * | 3:30 – 6:30 PM | Malott 230 | |
Nov 12 | Conflict Room for all courses | 5:00 – 6:30 PM | Malott 253 | |
Nov 12 | Extended Time for MATH 1120 | 7:00 – 10:00 PM | Malott 207 | |
Date | Provision | Time | Location | Dept Liaison |
Nov 14 | * Conflict Room with Extended Time for all courses * | 3:30 – 6:30 PM | Malott 251 | |
Nov 14 | Conflict Room for all courses | 5:00 – 6:30 PM | Malott 253 | |
Date | Provision | Time | Location | Dept Liaison |
Nov 19 | Extended Time for MATH 3110 | 7:00 – 10:00 PM | Malott 207 | David Zywina (djz44) |
* Conflict Rooms with Extended time are available on demand. If you need such an arrangment, send an email to Mikki (mmk8@cornell.edu) with the date, course number, and an estimate for the number of students, and a proctor will be recruited.
Final Exam Accommodations
A student scheduled to take two finals during the same exam period or three finals during consecutive exam periods (i.e., 3 exams in 24 hours) may take a MATH exam in any conflict room provided the instructor and student agree on the date and time. The extended-time / conflict rooms are dual purpose. They provide a (relatively) quiet room for SDS students who need extra time and are also an option for students with conflicts who don't need extra time. Everyone starts at the same time with the ending time determined by each student’s accommodation (e.g., 100% time ends after 2.5 hours, 150% time ends after 3 hours 45 minutes, 200% time ends after 5 hours).
The following arrangements are tentative.
Date | Provision | Time | Location | Proctor/Contact |
Dec 15 - Sun | Extended-Time / Conflict Room A | 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM | Malott 253 | TBD |
Dec 16 - Mon | Extended-Time / Conflict Room B | 1:00 – 6:00 PM | Malott 253 | TBD |
Dec 17 - Tue | Extended-Time / Conflict Room C | 1:00 – 6:00 PM | Malott 253 | TBD |
Dec 17 - Tue | Extended-Time / Conflict Room D | 5:00 – 10:00 PM | Malott 251 | TBD |
Jan 21 - Tue | Extended-Time / Conflict Room E | 5:00 – 10:00 PM | Malott 253 | Mark Schachner (mjs623) Baran Zadeoglu (bz333) Harry Fluck (hpf5) |