Cornell Math - MATH 618, Spring 1999

MATH 618 — Spring 1999
Smooth Ergodic Theory

Instructor: John Smillie

Time:  TR 2:55-4:10

Room: UP 207

We will study some topics covered in "Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems" by Katok and Hasselblatt.

  • Introduction to Ergodic Theory

    • Ergodicity

    • Mixing

    • The Ergodic Theorem

    • Measure Theoretic Entropy

  • Systems with Smooth Invariant Measures

    • Existence of Smooth Invariant Measures

    • Geodesic Flows

    • Hamiltonian Systems

  • Flows on Surfaces, Interval Exchange Transformations and Polygonal Billiards

    • Criteria for Minimality

    • Criteria for Unique Ergodicity

  • Equilibrium States for Hyperbolic Sets

    • Bowen measure

    • Smooth Invariant Measures

    • Margulis measure