PhD candidate, Kelsey Houston-Edwards named AMS-AAAS Mass Media Fellow

The AMS has awarded Kelsey Houston-Edwards the 2016 AMS-AAAS Mass Media Fellowship. Kelsey is a PhD student at Cornell University and will work this summer at NOVA.
The AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellows program is organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). This competitive program is designed to improve public understanding of science and technology by placing graduate and post-graduate science, mathematics and engineering students in media outlets nationwide. The fellows work for 10 weeks each summer as reporters, researchers and production assistants alongside media professionals to sharpen their communication skills and increase their understanding of the editorial process by which events and ideas become news.
The program is available to enrolled college or university students (graduate, doctoral, or upper level undergraduates) in the physical, biological, geological, health, engineering, computer, or social sciences or mathematics with outstanding written and oral communication skills and a strong interest in learning about the media.
In its 42nd year, this fellowship program has placed over 655 science, mathematics and engineering scholars in media organizations nationwide as they research, write and report today’s headlines.
See a list of previous AMS Mass Media Fellows and information on their experiences.