About the GoodQuestions
project seeks to improve calculus instruction by
adapting two methods
developed in physics instruction ConcepTests
and Just-in-Time-Teaching.
GoodQuestions is a pedagogical strategy that aims to
raise the visibility
of the key concepts and to promote a more active
learning environment.
The essence of the approach is to develop questions
- stimulate
students interest and curiosity in
- help students
monitor their understanding;
- offer students
frequent opportunities to make conjectures and argue
about their
- reflect the
role of student prior knowledge and misconceptions in building
conceptual understanding;
- provide instructors
with frequent formative assessments of what their student are
- support instructors
efforts to foster an active learning environment.
For a summary of our pilot project and results presented
at the Joint Meetings in January 2005, click
Support for
the GoodQuestions project is provided by the National
Science Foundation's
Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement Program
under grant
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in
this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the National Science Foundation.