WEEK 1 (8/24)
1.1-Basic Mathematical models;Direction Fields |
Sec.1.1 Handout
Sec1.1 Handout Solutions
WEEK 2 (8/31)
1.1-Direction Fields
1.3-Classification of Differential Equations
2.1-Linear DE; Method of Integrating Factors
2.2-Separable Differential Equations
Sec.1,1, 1,3, 2.1, 2.2 Handout
Sec. 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2 Solutions
WEEK 3 (9/7)
2.2 Separable Differential Equations
2.3 Modeling with 1st order linear equations
Sec. 2.2, 2.3 Handout
Sec. 2.2, 2.3 Solutions
WEEK 4 (9/14) |
QUIZ 1: direction fields, solving differential equations using integrating factors and separation of variables, modeling word problems (setting up and solving)
2.4- Existence and uniqueness
2.5- Equilibria and stability
2.6- Exact equations
Section 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Handout
Section 2.4,2.5, 2.6 Solutions
WEEK 5 (9/21)
2.7 - Numerical Integration
3.1- Homogeneous ODEs
3.3- Complex numbers & Euler's formula
Section 2.7, 3.1, 3.3 Handout
Section 2.7,3.1, 3.3 Solutions
WEEK 6 (9/28)
-Please review Sections 3.4 and 3.5 on your own
No Handout
Q&A/ Prelim Review
October 2nd
***Prelim 1***
7:30 - 9:00 PM
Click Here for Room Assignments |
WEEK 7 (10/5) |
3.6 - Variation of Parameters
3.7 - Free Vibration
Section 3.6-3.7 Handout
Section 3.6-3.7 Solutions
Week 8 (10/12) |
4.1- Theory of nth order linear homogeneous ODEs
4.2- Solving nth order linear homogeneous ODEs with constant coefficients
4.3- Solving nth order linear ODEs with constant coefficients
Section 4.1-4.3 Handout
Section 4.1-4.3 Handout Solutions
Week 9 (10/19)
5.4- Euler Equations
10.1- Two-Point Boundary Value Problems
10.2- Fourier Series
Seciton 5.4&10.1-10.2 Handout
Section 5.4&10.1-10.2 Solutions
Discussion Notes
Problem 4 Part 2 more details
Week10 (10/26)
QUIZ 3 |
No Handout
Q&A/Prelim review
October 30th |
***Prelim 2***
7:30 - 9:00 PM
Click Here for Room Assignments |
Week11 (11/2)
10.4- Even and odd functions
10.5- Separation of Variables; Heat Conduction in a Rod
10.6- Other Heat Conduction Probems
Section 10.4-10.6 Handout
Section 10.4-10.6 Solutions
Week12 (11/9) |
- We will review the Heat Equation with and without a source term
- If time permits, we will begin speaking about the wave equation (10.7)
Heat Equation Notes |
Week13 (10/16) |
No class
Week 14
Review |
no handout |
Week 15 |
****Quiz 4****
no handout |
Dec. 12th |
Final Exam