Responding with a Stronger Hand

         With a stronger hand (10+ points), you have more options available:


         Raise Your Partner's Major.      With invitational strength, you should make a limit raise:

1 — 3:     10 or 11 points and 3-card heart support.

With a stronger hand, you should begin by bidding a new suit, and then make a delayed raise to game on your next turn:

1 — 2 — 2NT — 4:     12+ points and 3-card heart support.


         Bid a New Suit (Forcing).      You may bid any new 4-card suit at the 1-level or the 2-level. Remember to bid majors before minors, and to bid 5-card suits before 4-card suits.

         By the way, any new-suit bid by responder is forcing, so you do not have to worry about partner passing if you have a game-forcing hand. (This is why it is safe to make a delayed raise.)


         Raise Your Partner's Minor.      If you do not have any major suits, you may raise your partner's minor:

1 — 3:     10 or 11 points and 4-card diamond support.

With a stronger hand, you could make a delayed raise, or you could just jump in notrump (see below).


         Jump in Notrump.      A jump-bid in notrump shows a strong, balanced hand:

1 2NT:     13-15 HCP and a balanced hand.
  3NT: 16-18 HCP and a balanced hand.