
         After a 1NT opening, a bid of 2 is Stayman, asking opener to reveal any 4-card majors. Opener must make one of the following three responses:

1NT — 2 2:     Shows 4 hearts.
  2: Shows 4 spades.
  2: Denies having a 4-card major.


       If You Find a 4-4 Fit.      If you find a 4-4 major-suit fit, you may either invite or bid game:

1NT — 2 — 2 3:     Shows 8 or 9 Points and 4 hearts (inviting game).
  4: Shows 10+ Points and 4 hearts.


       If You Don't Find a Fit.      If partner bids either 2 or the wrong major, you should escape back to notrump:

1NT — 2 — 2 2NT:     Shows 8 or 9 HCP (inviting game).
  3NT: Shows 10+ HCP.


       When Opener Has Both Majors.      If opener has four cards in each major, he should begin by bidding hearts. If responder denies hearts, he can always bid spades later:

1NT — 2 — 2 — 2NT — 3:     Opener has 15-16 HCP and 4 spades.
  4: Opener has 16-17 HCP and 4 spades.