Welcome to Xiaodong Cao's Homepage

A snapshot   Department of Mathematics
Cornell University
521 Malott Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-4201

Office Hour: TBA or by appointment

(607) 255 - 7149 (fax)

E-mail: xiaodongcao@cornell.edu

Professor of Mathematics

          Math 4540: Differential Geometry

Research Interests: Differential Geometry, Geometric Analysis
          Publications and Preprints
          Cornell Analysis and Geometric Analysis Seminar
          Cornell summer REU program

Current Graduate Students
          Harry Fluck

Past Graduate Students
          Mihai Bailesteanu
          Hung Tran
          Lihai Qian
          Melanie Stam
          Max Hallgren

This page/site was last modified on January 18, 2025. More about me.