Computation of Invariant Manifolds
Invariant manifolds are submanifolds of the phase
space of a dynamical system that are unions of trajetories.
Equivalently, a submanifold is invariant if the vector field of the
system is tangent to manifold. Three types of invariant manifolds
arising naturally in dynamical systems theory that have been studied
computationally are invariant tori, stable/unstable manifolds of
equilibria and periodic orbits and the slow manifolds of systems with
multiple time scales. Alexander Vladimirsky and I developed a new class
of algorithms for the computation of stable/unstable
manifolds of equilibria. The images below come from this work. The one
on the left is a depiction of the two dimensional stable manifold
of the origin in the Lorenz system. The paper XXX discusses several
alternative methods for computing invariant manifolds, using this
example to illustrate the output from each. The image on the
right depcits the two dimensional unstable of an equilibrium point in a
four dimensional dynamical system modeling two pendula that are coupled
by a torsional spring.
The computation of invariant manifolds is an easy task
conceptually: the manifold is swept out by trajectories of a suitable
set of initial conditions. However, implementation of this process
encounters several difficulties. Nearby trajectories may separate from
one another sufficiently fast that the chosen trajectories do not enter
large areas of the desired manifold. Adaptive methods for adding new
initial conditions and new trajectories can ameliorate this problem if
one formulates strategies for interpolation of new initial points. A
second difficulty with algorithms based upon computing trajectories is
that the speed of trajectories in different parts of the manifold may
differ enormously. Unless the vector field is rescaled to prevent this,
the result is that strips of the manifold along the fastest
trajectories are computed long before the parts of the manifold along
slow trajectories are obtained. The algorithms that Vladimirsky
and I created are based upon
techniques adapted from methods used to solve first order partial
differential equations. Instead of evolving the manifold along
trajectories, we evolve the manifold as a triangulated object. New
triangles are added successively to parts of the boundary where the
vector field points outward, with the new vertex of the triangle
located so that the vector field will be tangent to the triangle
at this vertex. This strategy resembles both " ordered upwinding
methods" for solving partial differential equations and implicit
methods for numerically integrating ordinary differential equations.
Our method has both advantages and disadvantages: it is very fast but
its order of accuracy is low.