
I cochaired a workshop on Complex Systems for the National Science Foundation in Fall, 2008. Here is a link to the Complex Systems Report .

During my term as President of SIAM, I had more than usual occasion to express my opinions on a range of scientific topics.  Here are links to three documents

As Director of Research Programs for the Cornell Theory Center 1991-97, I interacted with Federal agencies that coordinated high performance computing activities. Here are written remarks prepared around 1995 that still ring true to me.

Response to Questions Posed by the HPCCIT Subcommittee

John Guckenheimer Director, Research Programs
Cornell Theory Center

1.  What are the most important technical trends in high performance computing and communications and how will they affect your center?

There are two trends that dominate high performance computing today: ubiquitous network access and the emergence of scalable computing systems. The impact of both is profound, and together they have the potential to transform large parts of the scientific enterprise. Within the scientific enterprise, data is fundamental.  Yet, the primary data upon which scientific theory rests has been largely inaccessible, sequestered in lab notebooks in individual laboratories or stored in tape archives that were written with obsolete equipment. Universal connections to the internet and upgrading its bandwidth create the technical capability to make all the primary data associated with published experimental and computational science available to the scientific public. Where research rests upon the analysis of large data sets, such as the US census or medical images, these data can be made much more readily available than has been the case heretofore. Already, within the realm of algorithms and software, the proliferation of ftp, gopher and www servers has fostered the sharing of scientific work in a way that was simply impossible a few years ago. Results (i.e., programs) can even be distributed without the intervention of publishers, mail, etc.

What does this have to do with HPCC? That depends upon the operational definition of high performance computing. Traditional views of HPCC have been limited to expensive, specialized hardware. This need no longer be the case. Little more than a decade ago, a Cray 1 supercomputer did linear algebra calculations at a rate of approximately 10 Mflops. These were the machines that created the demand for academic supercomputer centers. Today, machines of this speed are breaking through the 10,000-20,000 workstation market to the 1,000-5,000 PC market. If one takes
the figure of 10 Mflops as a threshold for high performance computing, then high performance computers can be placed on the desktops of every working scientist in this country at reasonable cost. In such a world, what is the role of centers going to be?  Here are two possibilities.
  1. There will always be problems that require far more computing resources than we have available. This is true of the grand challenge problems selected in the competitions of the past few years.  National and state centers are a vehicle for providing a select community of researchers access to the latest, fastest and largest computing environments. They are also a vehicle for mediating between the computer manufacturers and the grand challenge researchers when new hardware and software is being tested and refined by its application to challenging problems. HPCC centers can become a means for enabling much broader communities to make use of the high performance computers on their desktops. This possibility will be addressed in the answer to the next question.
  2. The centers can support multidisciplinary research. The scientific community is being asked to work on strategic problems that have social and economic impact. Many of these problems do not have as clear a disciplinary focus as traditional research. This is particularly true of computational science, where diverse intellectual skills are required and the underlying problems do not have sharp formulations. The high performance computing centers could become a milieu that develops a culture to support such interchange. Solution of the problems on the national agenda requires extensive cross disciplinary communication that impacts deeply the disciplines contributing to the solutions to these problems.
There is a final aspect of the trend towards scalable computing that deserves mention. The cost advantages of large scale production are compelling.  The largest high performance computers are being built from the same components as desktop systems. This fact has implications for the performance ratio of supercomputers:workstations.  The emerging generation of high performance computers are multiprocessor machines being built from the same RISC CPUs used in workstations. The largest of these machines that are being assembled have approximately 1000 CPUs. Allowing for the fact that these machines often use the fastest chips available and that multiprocessor workstations are becoming commonplace, the performance ratio is likely to remain at approximately 1000. In this arena, the costs scale linearly with size and economic benchmarks are 20K for a workstation and 20M for a large high performance computer. This raises the question as to what can be done with this factor of 1000. What are the problems that can be solved on a 100Gflop computer with 100Gb of RAM that cannot be solved on a 100Mflop computer with 100Mb of RAM? To project trends conservatively five years into the future, these numbers might be multiplied by 10.  Most scientific problems scale far more rapidly than linearly. Increasing the resolution of a three dimensional fluid dynamics simulation scales like the fourth power of the resolution. Thus a performance ratio of 1000 buys an increase in resolution less than 6. For some problems, this may be critical, but for many others sheer increases in computing speed will bring only incremental improvements in our problem solving capability. In computational science, the gradient from the easily solvable to the absurdly complex is often very, very steep. The goals for HPCC need to include a balanced set of priorities what can be realistically accomplished with the machines we build.

This statement about relative performance of large and small computers is counterbalanced by the fact that large multiprocessor machines are genuinely different from the current generation of vector supercomputers. The architecture of vector supercomputers has been highly optimized for linear algebra computations with large vectors
and matrices, and their performance on problems that do not readily vectorize is not much better than that of the fastest superscalar workstations. Rather than concentrating upon the problem of trying to adapt these MMP machines to do what vector machines were designed specifically to do, it seems more productive to find new classes of problems that can be solved well on MPP machines and continue to build machines with diverse architectures that are adapted to different problem domains.

2.  What are the obstacles to the most effective use of high  performance computing and communications resources such as those at  your center and what needs to be done to overcome those obstacles?

The obstacles to the effective use of HPCC resources are technical, organizational and cultural. The technical obstacles are not absolute, but rather reflect the imbalance between different parts of a computing environment. At the present time, the critical bottleneck is data communications as a component of computation. Moving bits is as expensive as computation with those bits. Optimizing computational performance usually requires careful staging of data movement as part of algorithmic design. On RISC CPUs, the performance penalty for a cache miss is large, and poorly designed codes sometimes spend far more time paging data among hierarchical levels of memory than in computations. For
remote operations, the actual performance of the ftp program in moving data across typical nodes on the internet is perhaps 30KB/sec. This is three to four orders of magnitude slower than the HPCC objective of gigabit rates. If one thinks about the task of working with datasets of 1GB (say, a landsat thematic mapper image), then this is the difference
between file transfer in eight hours or eight seconds. Thus network speed is a real obstacle for researchers wanting to make remote use of a center for data intensive applications.  The ability to compute remotely, transfer data and study it locally is limited. The bandwidth to support this in an easy, interactive fashion is not yet present. The timing of its future availability is an important factor in planning what types of facilities centers need during the next few years.

The technical obstacles to the effective use of the centers include a set of more amorphous issues that are usually lumped under the headings of software, algorithms and problem solving environments. To understand the varied aspects of this problem, consider an analogy between the airline industry and high performance computing. The government has stimulated the growth of air travel as the primary means of long distance transport by subsidizing the construction of airports and supporting research on aircraft design. These federal activities are necessary for a healthy airline industry, but they are not sufficient. To make a workable system, a whole set of peripheral infrastructure
needs to be put into place as well: local transportation systems for airport access, reservation systems, an air traffic control system and safety standards for aircraft maintenance. The role of the government in these different peripheral systems varies, and the division between public and commercial enterprises is a continuing political issue. Note also that the creation of the airline industry has given rise to new commercial opportunities like the ability to deliver fresh
fish from around the world to supermarkets in places like Ithaca,

The high performance computing community has not done much to stimulate its own widespread diffusion into new domains.  Every time an individual steps onto a commercial airplane, he is a user of the air transportation system. Easy use of the high performance computing centers has not been part of their legacy, but the Branscomb panel has called renewed attention to broadening the high performance computing agenda.  When looked at from the perspective of individuals in areas that have not seen intensive high performance computing activity, there is a dilemma. Since there are few tools, individuals are forced to make the choice between making the development of those tools a central aspect of their work, finding someone else to do the technical work or waiting for something better to come along. Today, use of high performance computing in these fields requires a pilot's license or direct access to a pilot.

3.  How can the HPCC Program help your center accomplish its goals?

The peripheral institutions required for widespread use of high performance computing need to be nurtured.  Among the centers supported by NSF, NCAR is a role model for how high performance computing can take place in a setting that makes sense for a particular research community. The HPCC program can help other centers provide similar support for diverse research communities. This is an issue that is perhaps more relevant to state and NSF centers than those of mission oriented agencies. It is also an issue that looms large in the development of the national information infrastructure and the support of computational tools for small businesses.

While computers scale, people do not.  As the problems we tackle become larger and more complex, there is a tension between the facilitation of individual creativity on the one hand, and the development of institutional structures directed at large scale problems. There are limits to what both individuals and institutions can do. An individual cannot write
millions of lines of code to create a large software system, but organizations do not have the creative insight and intelligence of individuals. Thus, we need organizational structures adequate to support work in data intensive areas without fettering individual insight.  For example, social scientists need better access to large databases and tools for extracting information from these databases.  Facilities that provide interactive access to such databases over the internet are feasible, but they do not yet exist. The question here is how this is to be organized.

There are at least four different kinds of groups that potentially have a role to play in broadening the scope of high performance computing in diverse fields: individuals, consortia of researchers (like the grand challenge groups), institutions (the centers, government labs, etc.) and commercial vendors. The collective tasks are large enough and the time scale for significant developments is slow enough that it would be helpful for the HPCC Program to formulate policies that will establish a dependable context for stimulating the work that needs to be done. Commercial vendors have been discouraged from entering the high performance computing business by the small size of the market, but perhaps the market has been defined too narrowly. If one relies upon scalability and targets a market that starts with the desktop supercomputer, then the commercial opportunities expand dramatically. If the possibilities for remote HPC services are included, the potential markets are even larger.  It is important to factor into the planning the continued evolution from today's high performance computer to tomorrow's desktop.

High performance computing centers differ significantly in their constituencies and their missions. From its inception, the Cornell Theory Center has been dedicated to the promulgation of parallel computing and the best support for scientific research that it can provide. The HPCC Program can help the center accomplish these goals by providing
support for partnerships that will establish the needed infrastructure for high performance computing in selected, but diverse areas.  Priorities need to be established and choices need to be made. We feel that these choices need to reflect better coordination with scientific disciplines that are eager to be large users of high performance computing, recognizing that their modes of HPC use may be very different from those of currently mature HPC areas.  The Theory Center operates under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation, and we need to approach these tasks cooperatively - seeking together the means for realizing the opportunities created by the breathtaking advances in high performance computing hardware that continue to happen as we speak. The creation
of the internet has had a dramatic impact upon scientific culture. The revolution that will come from effective use of the high performance computers on our desktops has only begun.