Subgroups, Normality, and Quotients
As a prelude to the investigation of maps between groups, in this
section we will look at substructures within groups and their
Groups within Groups
When looking at the multiplication table of
the dihedral group D4 you probably noticed that the upper
left quarter consists solely of rotation. You've also seen that
rotation symmetries of regular n-gons are themselves groups. Thus for
every regular n-gon we have its group of rotation sitting inside its
symmetry group Dn. A subgroup of a group G is a
subset of elements of G which is itself a group under the group
operation of G. Note that a subgroup must always contain the identity
element of G. The usual notation for H being a subgroup of G is
Activity 1: Subgroups here, subgroups there,
subgroups, subgroups everywhere!
- Given a group G, is the subset consisting of only the identity
element a subgroup? (Hint: use the conditions Luke!)
- One way of finding a subgroup is to simply take one or more elements
in a group and see what group those elements generate. Use this method
to find three subgroups of Z×Z (that are not just (0,0) and the
whole of Z×Z itself).
- In the group D4, does the set of all the reflections plus
the identity element form a subgroup?
- Find three different subgroups of D4.
- Show that for groups K, H, and G if K<H and H<G, then
We can also find and investigate subgroups using the Cayley graph of
a group. The procedure for constructing subgroups using the Cayley
graph is as follows:
- mark the identity vertex,
- pick one or more other vertices and mark them too,
- record a directed path from the identity to those vertices you
picked; these paths and their inverses will be the patterns you'll now
- mark, recursively, all vertices that can be reached from those
you've already marked by one of the patterns recorded in the step above
(starting at the marked vertices, not the identity).
Here's an example, using the group Z×Z.
Activity 2: Subgroups and Cayley graphs
- Denote the subgroup of Z×Z in the example above H. What are
the elements of H?
- Within Z×Z, this subgroup is generated by ab and bb (where
a=(1,0) and b=(0,1)). Draw a Cayley graph of H, using the generators ab
and bb (you can call them x and y, for instance).
- Relabeling this Cayley graph produces the Cayley graph of a familiar
group. What is it?
Congratulation, you've now found a subgroup of Z×Z isomorphic
to... Z×Z. While this may seem strange at first, it actually not
that surprising. The even integers is a subgroup of the integers which
is isomorphic to the integers. What is more strange is that a free
group on two elements, F2, has subgroups isomorphic to
Fn for every n. Let's construct one!
Activity 3: Free as n birds
- Consider a subgroup of F2 generated by the three elements
ab, abb, and abbb. Draw part of a Cayley graph of F2 and
mark some elements in this subgroup.
- Is the element b in the subgroup? (Hint: can you write b as a
product of ab,abb,abbb and their inverses? Why not?)
- How do we know that this subgroup is in fact a free group? Because
next we'll prove the very neat result that every subgroup of a
free group is free!
- Thus this subgroup is not the whole group (by part 2) and it's free.
So we have F3<F2. Can you find an
F5<F2? How about
Note that if a group has non-trivial relations (i.e. not just
inverses), then it's Cayley graph must have a non-trivial loop. In the
group Z×Z for instance, we have a loop corresponding to abAB
and in the Cayley graph of D4 one corresponding to
L1L1. Thus the isometry induced by a relation,
like the element corresponding to abAB in Z×Z is always the
identity isometry.
Activity 4: A subgroup of a free group is free
To show this we'll need to resort to the following fact from
Suppose S is a group of isometries of an (infinite) tree having
no fixed points. That is, if the isometry f is in S, then f(x)≠x for
every point x in the tree. Then S is a free group.
- The Cayley graph of any
Fn=〈a1,...,an| 〉 with respect
to the generators a1,...,an is a tree. Why?
(Hint: see discussion above.)
- We've seen that any group is a subgroup of the isometry group of its
Cayley graph. Do the isometries of the Cayley graph of F2
corresponding to the elements of F2 have fixed points? Does
the same argument work for Fn? (Hint: draw the graph, work
out a few examples.)
- Thus any subgroup H<Fn is itself a group of
fixed point free isometries of a tree, and hence is free.
We saw previously that when every two elements in a group commute,
when gh=hg for every g and h in G, then the group is said to be abelian.
A subgroup H<G is normal if it behaves like a
commuting element, that is, if gH=Hg for every g∈G. By gH we mean
the set of elements {gh1,gh2,...} if
H={h1,h2,...}. Similarly,
Hg={h1g,h2g,...}. The subgroup of even integers
in Z is a normal subgroup since the whole group Z is abelian. A more
interesting example of normality and non-normality can be found in
Activity 5: On being normal
- Is the subgroup of D4 consisting of rotations
- How about the subgroup generated by a in F2?
Sets like gH, for H a subgroup of G, are called
cosets. Note
that cosets of subgroups need not be subgroups themselves. Given
any two subsets S and T of G, not necessarily subgroups, we define their
product ST to be the set of all elements st, where s∈S and
t∈T, that is, the set of all individual products.
- Suppose H<G and g∈G is
not an element of H. Show that H and the coset gH have no common
elements. (Hint: if they do, then h1=gh2 for some
- Let H be a subgroup of G. Is HH=H (does the set product
of a subgroup with itself produce new elements)?
- Let N<G be a normal subgroup. Show that (aN)(bN)=abN,
as subsets of G. (Hint: use the fact that (aN)(bN)=aNbN, normality, and
the previous problem.)
Given a normal subgroup N of G, we can look at the set of all cosets
gN, for all g∈G. The miraculous fact (which we'll shortly prove)
is that this set is itself a group! It's called a quotient
group of G by N and denoted G/N.
Activity 6: Let's cook the pudding
- Suppose N<G is normal. Is there a coset of N
that acts as the identity in G/N? (Hint: try the identity coset
- What is the coset inverse to gN? (Hint: use part 5 from the last
- Is condition 3 satisfied? (Hint: use the definition of set product
given in the last activity; this is just a simple check.)
Next: Homomorphisms