Recall from Exercise 2.3 that the area of the parallelogram spanned by and is given by . This observation serves as the motivation for the following formula for the area of regular parametrized surfaces.
To get an estimate of the area of a regular parametrized surface , we may first subdivide the surface by coordinate curves into small pieces, such that each is approximately a parallelogram spanned by the tangents of coordinate curves, and then sum the area of each approximating parallelograms. As the subdivision gets finer, the area approximation will tend to the actual area. This limiting process, which is the same principle behind calculating the area under the graph of a smooth single-variable function by means of integration, can be expressed as a double integral
Exercise 3.1 Prove that , and hence
Example 3.1 As in Example 2.7, the parametrization of the unit sphere minus the two poles is given by
Exercise 3.2 Compute the surface area of the torus as in Example 2.8.
Suppose that , is the surface with minimal area among those whose boundary coincides with that of . Let be any smooth function on such that it vanishes on the boundary of .
Consider the following family of regular parametrized surfaces
Definition 3.2 A smooth surface with vanishing mean curvature is called a minimal surface.
Example 3.3 Let be the graph of , a smooth function on . Then is a minimal surface if
Example 3.4 The catenoid. .
Example 3.5 Enneper surface. .
Exercise 3.3 Show that the helicoid as in
Exercise 2.9 is a minimal surface.