Michael Stillman
Professor, Mathematics
Cornell University
Email (please use email to contact me):
Office: 503 Malott Hall
Math Office: 607-255-4013
Fax: 607-255-7149
Mailing address:
Malott Hall, Mathematics Dept
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
- Fall 2024, Math 4310, Linear Algebra. Course is on canvas.
- A list of (many of) the courses that I have taught at Cornell.
Teaching awards
- The Stephen and Margery Russell Distinguished Teaching Award, received in April, 2013.
- Top ten at Cornell
- Department of Mathematics Senior Faculty Teaching Award, awarded in 2002.
Research and Macaulay2
My research interests include computational algebraic geometry and
commutative algebra. My applied interests include applications to string theory, statistics
and biology.
Conferences and special years
Former Doctoral Students
- Alyson Reeves, Ph.D. 1992, The combinatorial structure
of Hilbert schemes.
- Hal Schenck,
Ph.D. 1997, Homological methods in the
theory of splines.
- Leah Gold Stella,
Ph.D. 2002, Homological results in
commutative algebra.
- Chris Francisco,
Ph.D. 2004, Hilbert functions and
graded free resolutions.
- Jeff Mermin,
Ph.D. 2006, Lexicographic ideals.
- Steve Sinnot,
Ph.D. 2006, Results in Computational
Algebra of Bayesian Networks.
- Achilleas Sinefakopoulos,
Ph.D. 2007, On some classes of
Borel fixed ideals and their cellular resolutions.
- Mauricio Velasco,
Ph.D. 2007, Monomial resolutions and
the Cox rings of Del Pezzo surfaces.
- Gwyn Whieldon,
Ph.D. 2011, Betti Numbers of Stanley-Reisner Ideals
. Assistant Professor, Hood College.
- Kristine Jones,
Ph.D. 2013, Generic Initial Ideals of Locally Cohen Macaulay Space Curves
. Microsoft.
- Radoslav Zlatev
Ph.D. 2015 Implicitization of surfaces.
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Director of graduate studies
I was directory of graduate studies July 2019 - June 2020.
For information about our graduate program in mathematics at Cornell,
please see our web site