Sierpinski Gasket
We adapt the notation in Differential Equations on Fractals by Strichartz. Given the graph G_n = (V_n,E_n) of Sierpinski Gasket of level n, we define a level m(<n) random potential P:V_n\to \{0,P_{max}\} by considering the vertices in V_n as points in the biggest equilateral triangle T, whereby inheriting a random potential from corresponding cells of level m. The following is an example of random potential of level 2 on SG of level 3.

As before define random Hamiltonian operator H: V_n^*\to V_n^* by H = \triangle+P where P acts multiplicatively on each vertex, and \triangle is the level n pointwise laplacian, whose formula is derived in Differential Equations on Fractals. We obtain the solutions to the eigen problem Hv = \lambda v and Hu=1 via finite element method, utilizing the biharmonic splines space of a lower level for an approximate of the solution. We demonstrate selected eigenfunctions with varying P_{max} in the result section, included also is a plot of the eigenvalue counting function and its loglog plot.

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