Math 7770: Probability and Analysis in Infinite-Dimensional Spaces

Fall 2011


MWF 12:20-1:20, 230 Malott.


Course overview

This course will be an introduction to probability and analysis in infinite-dimensional spaces.

In finite-dimensional spaces like Rn, we have a lot of nice structure for doing analysis: most notably, the translation-invariant Lebesgue measure. We also know a lot about how analysis and probability are related, such as the relationship between the Laplace operator and Brownian motion. In infinite-dimensional spaces, such as Banach spaces, we can no longer have a translation-invariant measure. However, we can have Gaussian measures, and this is enough structure to construct operators and stochastic processes that are reasonable analogues of their classical brethren.

We will start with a quick look at Gaussian measures in finite dimensions to get a feel for the properties we want to extend. Then we'll look at Gaussian measures on infinite-dimensional spaces, including Banach and Hilbert spaces (which yield so-called abstract Wiener spaces), and possibly other topological vector spaces. We'll see a certain Hilbert space emerge (the Cameron-Martin space) which will show up repeatedly as we proceed. We'll also see how to reverse the process and construct a Gaussian measure from a "covariance matrix".

Then we'll see how to compute derivatives and Laplacians in abstract Wiener space, and how to construct a Brownian motion on such a space.

Possible topics for later in the course may include:


Prerequisites correspond roughly to MATH 6110 and 6710-6720. You should be familiar with measures, Banach/Hilbert spaces, and Brownian motion.

Lecture notes

The lecture notes from this course are now posted on arXiv (id 1607.03591).

Other references


No formal homework assigned. The lecture notes contain a number of exercises.



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