Numb3rs 215: Running Man

In this episode several different mathematical topics are mentioned, but we're going to focus on LIGO and Benford's law.

Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory

LIGO is the place where the fictional character Larry works, but it is also a scientific project in real life. It is a joint project by Caltech and MIT which is designed to detect gravitational waves. These can be understood by analogy to waves in a pond. (Look here for more information about waves.) Imagine a very still pond on a windless day. The top of pond will be completely flat. We can describe this mathematically by assigning each point of the pond a number H(x,y,t) corresponding to its height, and in this case, each point in the pond has the same height. This is described by the equation H(x,y,t) = c, where c is a constant. Now if a rock is dropped into the middle of the pond, the function H(x,y,t) will no longer be a constant, but will vary as a function of time t and position x,y. The function in general is difficult to describe because it depends on the boundary of the pond as well as how you choose to model dropping the rock, but if you fix the position and just look at the height of one point as a function of time, (i.e. f(t) = H(x,y,t)), then you get something like f(t) = cos(t).

Now to understand gravitational waves, we have to describe gravity in a way similar to our description of the height of the pond. To do this, we have a function G(x,y,z,t) which to each point in space x,y,z and time t assigns some kind of mathematical object to describe the gravity. Let's think for a bit about what we need to describe gravity. We can feel a force from gravity, and the strength (or magnitude) of that force depends on where we are. However, the direction of that force also varies depending on where we are. A mathematical object which describes a direction and magnitude is called a vector, so our function G must assign a vector to each point in space and time.

Actually, if you're careful you'll realize that at any point on the Earth the gravitational force isn't a constant as a function of time, even without gravitational waves. Do you know why? A partial answer is that the moon exerts a gravitational force on the earth that changes as the earth rotates. This is the main cause of the tides in the ocean.
Now without any waves, the function G won't be a constant for us on the Earth since the Earth exerts a gravitational force that we can feel that varies as a function of where we are. However, at any particular point on the Earth, G will be a constant as a function of time if there aren't any gravitational waves. However, some very large cosmic events like supernova are capable of creating gravitational waves, which change G so that at a fixed point, the vector describing the gravitation oscillates as a function of time (i.e. looks something like cos(t) times a vector), just like the case of waves in a pond.

Now the goal of LIGO is to detect such waves. The basic idea of how this is done is as follows. The scientists built two mile-long tubes that are perpendicular to each other. Then a laser beam is split so that it travels down each othe tubes at exactly the same time. At the end of each tube are mirrors that reflect the beam back to its starting point. The tubes are built with very precise lengths so that if there are no gravitational waves, then the two beams are exactly out of phase so they cancel out (this means that if you write the equation for the intensity of the two beams at the point where they meet, they look something like cos(t) and cos(t + &pi ), so when they add together you get 0, which means there's no laser light). However, if there is a gravitational wave that is oriented in the right direction, it will change the length of one of the tubes but not the length of the other, and this will make it so that the two beams aren't out of phase anymore. This means there will be a brief flash of light where the two beams meet.

Benford's Law

In this episode then mention Benford's Law, and even though they don't actually use it in the show, it is an interesting law that deserves some explanation. Benford originally published a paper describing this pattern in 1938. The inspiration of this paper was his observation that in books that had dozens of pages of logarithm tables the pages of the table of numbers that started with 1 were more worn than any of the other pages. (Before computers were invented, people computed things by hand, and logarithms can be used for several different shortcuts, so books containing many pages of tables of logarithms were commonly used.) Benford gathered numbers from many different sources and counted the number of numbers starting with each digit. As an example, he gathered the area of 335 rivers and came up with the following counts. (The full table from his paper can be found here.)
123456 789
Area of Rivers 31.0 16.4 10.7 11.3 7.2 8.6 5.5 4.2 5.1
Activity 1:
    Pick some quantity, like areas of lakes, population, lengths of books, or anything you like, and gather a large number of measurements of this quantity (ideally between 50 and 100). Then count the number of measurements that start with each digit and make a table similar to the one above.

There is a simple intuitive explanation for this phenomenan. Many quantities in nature satisfy the property that is the quantity changes randomly, the amount of the change is likely to be proportional to quantity. Another way to say this is that if q is the quantity that changes randomly, it is likely to fall into the range .9*q to 1.1*q. Then if q starts with a large digit, like an 8, it is much more likely to change to a number that starts with a different digit than it would be if q started with a 1.

Let's give a more precise mathematical explanation. The above paragraph states that many quantities that arise in nature can be modelled as a product of a large number of random numbers between .9 and 1.1. Then we have the equations and . Here each is a random number between .9 and 1.1. We don't know what the actual distribution between .9 and 1.1 is, but as long as we assume it's nice enough, it turns out that it doesn't matter.

Let's diverge just a little bit to talk about the Central Limit Theorem. The statement of the theorem is that the sum of many independent and identically-distributed random variables is well approximated by a normal distribution. To understand this, first we'll do an example, and then we'll apply the statement to the example.

Activity 2:
  1. If you roll a fair dice, draw a graph of the probability that each of the numbers come up. (i.e. the x-axis of the graph should be the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6, and the values above these numbers should be the probability that they occur.)
  2. Now draw a similar graph for the probabilites of getting the numbers 2 through 12 if you roll two fair dice at once.
  3. Now draw a similar graph for rolling three dice at once.
  4. What patterns do you notice?
In this example, the random variable is each dice. The random variables are independent because the way one dice lands doesn't affect the way another dice lands, and they are identically distributed because all the dice are the same. The normal distribution is a particular probability distribution, also called the Gaussian distribution or Bell curve. A picture of several different normal distributions can be found here, and a description of the distribution is here. You should notice the similarity between these pictures and the later graphs you drew in the activity. The basic idea is that if you add up a lot of random events to get a number, that number will have a distribution that looks like a Bell curve.

Now we can apply this to our situation to conclude that the distribution for log(q) will look like a Bell curve. Now how is the first digit of q is related to log(q)? If we are taking all the logarithms using base 10, then since , we can let a be the integer part of log(q) and b be the decimal part. Then the first digit of q only depends on b. Now to figure out the distribution of the first digit of q, all we need to do is figure out the distribution of b. To do this, we break up the graph of the distribution of log(q), (which is similar to a Bell curve) up into slices that have width 1 and then take the average of all these. If the Bell curve is very wide (which corresponds to q having a large range of possible values), then since the Bell curve is symmetric, the distribution of b should be close to flat, so b has an almost equal chance of being any number between 0 and 1. Now if , then the first digit of will be a 1, which leads to the formula

Let's test our predictions. We can do this by generating a random number q and then multiplying it by R random numbers each of which ranges from .9 to 1.1. We'll do this N times and then record the results in the table below.

Activity 3:
    You can modify N, the number of trials to run, and R, the number of random numbers to multiply together, and then run the calculation again. Try to figure out what values of N and R make our predictions accurate. To limit the computation time, N must be less than 1500 and R must be less than 2000. The computation might take a few seconds.

Starting digit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Count: 64 64 31 24 23 21 8 8 7
Percentage: 0.2560 0.2560 0.1240 0.0960 0.0920 0.0840 0.0320 0.0320 0.0280
Predicted Percentage: 0.3010 0.1761 0.1249 0.0969 0.0792 0.0669 0.0580 0.0512 0.0458
Difference: -0.0450 0.0799 -0.0009 -0.0009 0.0128 0.0171 -0.0260 -0.0192 -0.0178


Benford's law can be useful in several different situations. For example, if people are trying to commit tax fraud, or some other kind of fraud where they make up numbers, the distribution of the leading digits is often not what Benford's law would dictate. This has allowed to IRS and other organizations to catch many embezzelers.