Lecture Notes

Beginning with Lecture 9, a continuous typed handout was started (in Latex).
This is given here in .pdf -format, in a recent version.
If your browser does not display these pages, get the Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download).
(However the .pdf- format does not reproduce the pictures.)

Typed Handout (up to section 10: Conditional Probability)

Section 11: Recursion and gambler's ruin  (11/3)

Section 12: Poisson distribution(11/9)

Section 13: Geometric and exponential distributions (11/17)

Section 14: Distributions in general (11/24)

Section 15: Moments and the Law of Large Numbers (12/1)

Section 16: The Central Limit Theorem for i.i.d. random variables (12/3)

The first 8 lectures are scanned-in handwritten pages, given as pictures in gif- or jpg- format. They may not be legible very well. The contents is mostly from the textbook;  these pages  serve only to document what was presented in class.

Handwritten notes

Computer lab handout ( 9/24)