Sigma Detectives Your name:______________
  Names of fellow students
in your group:

Fill in the entires of the following chart. Then, make a conjecture (educated guess) about what formulas might give the sum of the first n even integers, the sum of the first n integers, and the sum of the first n "cubes" (13+23+33+...)

  n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5 Conjectured formula:

Scratchwork for computations and conjectures:

Extra Challenge: Can your group prove the formula for
(and thus for
) ?
Suggestion: write the first sum as the sum of two rows of numbers:



What do you notice as you sum these numbers up?

(The great mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) discovered this "trick" in grade school!)

©Copyleft 1996 by Harel Barzilai. "Share and Enjoy." (Expanded and modified from an activity from Cooperative Learning in Mathematics: a handbook for teachers edited by Neil Davidson).