Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 15:40:26 -0800 I'm a communication professor at U. of Arizona (interested in on-line
instruction at the moment) and stumbled over your working-in-groups page
while looking for examples of communication skills instruction on the
My compliments on an excellent overview of how to work well in
project teams. I would like to link it to my "Group WorkBench" tool, a
flexible script-based resource that helps students organize their own
activity using a private website.
Sally Jackson
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 00:40:23 -0700 (MST) Thanks for the quick reply. I found the working-in-groups page searching
for communication skills sites using altavista. I would like to add the
url to a script that generates group websites for students here at
Arizona, as a resource they can look at both to improve their own work in
groups and as an example of how one structure effective group interaction.
Group WorkBench is one of a number of tools included in my Project for
On-Line Instructional Support (POLIS), a UA faculty development initiative
which is completely noncommercial and also open to any interested visitor:
Group WorkBench lets small groups of students create websites that are
"private" only in the sense that a person can find them and access them
only by knowing the name of the group (so the group name functions as a
kind of nonsecure password). You can see an example at the POLIS site
for my course, COM200-002, using group name Cougars. Group WorkBench
automatically sets up certain resources, and I am working on a collection
of url's on effective group processes to include among these resources.
That's where I'd like to link your working-in-groups page.
Thanks again for the note. I do like the way you set up your advice on
group work.
Sally J.
From: Sally Jackson
From: Sally A Jackson <sjackson@U.Arizona.EDU>
To: Harel Barzilai <>
Subject: Re: working in groups
In-Reply-To: <>