III. Introduction to algebraic geometry
- Algebraic sets and varieties
- Hilbert's Nullstellensatz
- Nilpotent elements and radical
IV. Multilinear Algebra
- Tensor product of modules
- Tensor algebra of a bimodule
- Exterior algebra of a module over a commutative ring
MATH 6310 is the first semester of a two-semester basic graduate
algebra sequence. The main topics to be covered in the second
semester, MATH 6320, are Galois theory, representation theory of
groups and associative algebras, and an introduction to homological
The content of a solid undergraduate course in abstract algebra, comparable to MATH 4340. Students should know the basic definitions and properties of groups, rings, modules, and homomorphisms; substructures and quotient structures; isomorphism theorems; integral domains and their fraction fields. Very little of this material will be reviewed during the course.