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— Participants will take it in turns to present material, a week (so, two meetings) at a time. Suggested topics are on this page.

— Our meetings are 75 minutes long. Please prepare one-hour talks. We will use the remaining time to discuss our blog and complete feedback forms.

Einstein lecturing
— Do not try to say too much.

— The aim of your talk should not be to convince me that you have understood a lot of mathematics. Rather, your aim should be to communicate some interesting mathematics to the group.

— Choose carefully what material to present in detail and what to give in overview. I suggest focussing on communicating the key definitions, the basic examples, the major theorems, and the outstanding open questions. Presenting the contexts of the big results is likely to be more interesting and more realistic than giving technical details of their proofs.

— I will meet presenters a week ahead of their talks to discuss and help with their plans. Unless there are scheduling conflicts, these meetings will be 11:30am on Tuesdays.

— Please feel free (encouraged!) to ask questions in talks. Discussion enhances seminars.

— Please acknowledge your sources.

— Please think about how you will present your talk. Here are some discussions on giving mathematics talks.