Due 29 August: 1.1–1.5
Due 5 September: 1.6–1.9
Due 12 September: 1.10, 2.1–2.4
Due 19 September: the two "Extra Exercises" on infinite products that you will find in our on-line notes; 2.5, 2.6
Due 26 September: 2.7–2.9, 3.1
Due 3 October: 3.2–3.4, 3.6 (and prepare for the midterm)
XX5 October: Midterm on material up to and including quotients (section 2.3), in class
XX7–11 October: Fall break
Due 17 October: 5.1, 5.3–5.6
Due 24 October: 5.7, 2.10–2.12, 5.8
Due 31 October: 6.1–6.3
Due 7 November: 7.3, 7.5–7.7
Due 14 November: 7.8, 7.9, 8.1, 8.2, 8.4
Due 21 November: 8.5, 8.6, 8.8, 8.9, 8.10 (1) and (2)
Due 30 November: 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, 10.4, 10.6
XX6 December, 2pm: Final exam, comprehensive,
XXin RCK102
Homework exercises will be due in class on Tuesdays. Papers should be stapled and your name clearly indicated. Late homework will not be accepted. If you have a medical excuse or other serious circumstances, allowences will be made; contact your instructor at the earliest opportunity.
Also please read ahead in the chapter and fill in the blank areas as best you can.
I will tell you each class how far ahead to read for the next class. I will collect in your notes as we come to the end of each chapter. When grading these, I will look for effort and thoughtful reflection, rather than accuracy.
Exams. Calculators, textbooks, cell phones, MP3 players, or other electronic devices, may not be used or consulted during exams.
Accommodations may be made in the event of illness, a clash with another examinations, a conflict with religious observances, or other serious circumstances — please contact your instructor as early as possible. Students who miss exams and then present excuses that could have been given in advance will not be looked upon favorably. Do not make travel plans that conflict with the exams.
If you have been approved for extended-time or special-condition exams by Cornell Student Disability Services, please notify your instructor in the first two weeks of the semester.
For practice, here are the
2015 Midterm and Final. Solutions are not available.
Support. Come to your professor or TA's office hours! The Mathematics Support Center in Malott 256 also provides free tutoring.