Presentation Topics
Here are some suggestions of presentation topics.
The Kleiner-Tao-Shalom proof of Gromov's polynomial growth theorem
The geometry of Baumslag-Solitar groups
The geometry of Sol
M. Amchislavska and TRR, The geometry of lamplighter groups
A. Sale?, The geometry of free solvable groups
Bieri-Strebel invariants
Baumslag's embedding theorem for finitely generated metabelian groups
The geometry of polycyclic groups — I'm not sure what the best way into this topic is. Taking a combinatorial point-of-view, we could look at presentations of polycyclic groups and collection strategies — e.g. Chapter 8 of The Handbook of Computational Group Theory by Holt, Eick and O'Brien. Taking a geometric point-of-view, there's this talk of Eskin.
The Tits Alternative
A survey of rigidity in solvable groups
J. Cuno + ??, Random walks, Poisson boundaries, rate of escape on solvable groups
Properly Discontinuous Groups of Affine
Transformations; Auslander's conjecture