Andrew Sale

About me:

I am a post-doc in the Department of Mathematics at Cornell University (2017-2018). I work in the area of Geometric Group Theory. I have previously been a postdoc at Vanderbilt University (2014-17), the Université de Rennes 1 (2013-14) and at Cornell University (Spring semester, 2013). Before that I was a graduate student at the University of Oxford.

In August 2018 I will move to the University of Hawaii at Manoa as an Assistant Professor.

My ongoing research projects involve automorphism groups of RAAGs and other graph products, mapping class groups, the conjugacy problem, and more... See a slightly less brief description on my research page.

Click here for my C.V.


Department of Mathematics, 310 Malott Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

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