2010 UConn REU. I'm on the right.

Ben Steinhurst

RTG Postdoc / Visiting Assistant Processor,
Department of Mathematics,
Cornell University

email: steinhurst-at-math-dot-cornell-dot-edu
Please try e-mail first as my office phone number currently is out of service.
office: 582 Malott Hall

Curriculum vitae (September 2012)
Research Statement (September 2012)

Current Course: Probability II.

Research interests

My primary work revolves around the existence of Laplacians, Dirichlet forms, and diffusions on fractal spaces. In particular I am interested in hierarchical but not self-similar fractals. Beyond existential questions I am interested in the properties of the spectrum of the Laplacians and how that relates to mathematical physics-inspired questions about the fractals themselves. Recently I have also become interested in percolation on self-similar graphs and fractals as well as p-adic function theory.

Recent Research Papers

R. Kesler, B. Steinhurst Casimir Effect on Laakso Spaces (submitted)
PDF on ArXiv

K. Hare, B. Steinhurst, A. Teplyaev, D. Zhou, Disconnected Julia sets and gaps in the spectrum of Laplacians on symmetric p.c.f. fractals Math. Res. Lett. 19:3, (2012).
PDF on ArXiv

B. Steinhurst, Uniqueness of Brownian Motion on Laakso Spaces (to appear in Potential Analysis)
PDF on ArXiv

C. Kaufmann, R. Kesler, A. Parshall, E. Stamey B. Steinhurst, Quantum Mechanics on Laakso Spaces J. Math. Phys. 53, 042102 (2012).
PDF on ArXiv

S. Makisumi, G. Stadnyk, B. Steinhurst, Modified Hanoi Towers Groups and Limit Spaces, International Journal for Algebra and Computation 21:6, pp 867-887, (2011).
PDF File on ArXiv

Full List of Publications


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