Fall 2013 Abstracts
- Eduardo González, University of Massachusetts Boston
- Mirror Symmetry, potential functions and Seidel's
Let $X$ be a non-singular projective toric variety whose
anti-canonical class is semipositive (nef). I will present work with
Iritani regarding invertible elements in the quantum cohomology
$QH(X)$ introduced by Seidel and mirror symmetry. I will discuss
extensions of this when we extend the construction to discs with
lagrangian boundary conditions. Then we will discuss consequences and
expected relations, first with potential functions in lagrangian Floer
theory introduced by Fukaya-Oh-Ohta-Ono and then with work in progress
by Woodward et al. on gauged Floer theory.
- Lisa Jeffrey, University of Toronto
- A Hamiltonian circle action on the triple reduced product of
coadjoint orbits of $\mathbf{SU}(3)$
(Joint work in progress with Gouri Seal, Paul Selick and Jonathan
The fundamental group of the three-punctured sphere is the free group
on two generators—or, more symmetrically, the group on three
generators with one relation (that the product of the generators equal
the identity). Representations of this group in compact Lie groups
have been much studied (as a building block in the theory of flat
connections on 2-manifolds).
Analogously one may study the symplectic quotient at 0 of the product
of three coadjoint orbits of a Lie group (the triple reduced product).
For regular orbits of $G=\mathbf{SU}(3)$ this symplectic quotient is a
2-sphere. We exhibit a function whose Hamiltonian flow gives an $S^1$
action on it, and study the period of the $S^1$ action.
- Sema Salur, University of Rochester
- Geometric Structures on Manifolds with $\mathbf{G}_2$ Holonomy
A $7$-dimensional Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ is called a
$\mathbf{G}_2$ manifold if the holonomy group of the Levi-Civita
connection of $g$ lies inside $\mathbf{G}_2$. In this talk, I will
first give brief introductions to $\mathbf{G}_2$ manifolds, and then
discuss relations between $\mathbf{G}_2$ and contact structures. If
time permits, I will also show that techniques from symplectic
geometry can be adapted to the $\mathbf{G}_2$ setting. These are
joint projects with Hyunjoo Cho, Firat Arikan and Albert Todd.
- Milen Yakimov, Louisiana State University
- Poisson unique factorization domains and cluster algebras
Cluster algebras were defined by Fomin and Zelevinsky for the purposes
of the axiomatic study of canonical bases and total positivity. In
connection to those applications, in 2003 Berenstein, Fomin and
Zelevinsky constructed explicit upper cluster algebra structures on
the coordinate rings of all double Bruhat cells in complex simple Lie
groups. An important open problem was to prove or disprove that those
upper cluster algebras coincide with the corresponding cluster
algebras. In this talk we will define a notion of Poisson Unique
Factorization Domain, describe some of its properties, and use them to
settle (positively) the above problem.