Cornell Math Competitions Information
If you are interested in receiving competition information,
please send an email to with
subject join.
Practice Sessions
During the fall semester we have practice sessions to help students learn to
solve competition problems and write up their solutions cleanly. These take
Wednesdays, 4:45-6pm, in Malott 532 (the math lounge).
These are for students of all levels, so no previous problem solving
experience is necessary, and there will be COOKIES!
There are two mathematics competitions that Cornell students
participate in:
- The most famous of these is
the Putnam
Competition, administered by the MAA. This competition is a
national 6-hour, 12-problem competition. This year it will be on
December 3rd, 10am-6pm.
There are two three-hour sessions along with a two-hour break. (If
you cannot attend this time, please
contact us; there is an
accommodation available.)
To register for the Putnam this year, go here:
registration after September 26th.
The exam will be in-person, in Malott, but solution submission will be
online (precise logistics TBD).
- The other is the First-Year Prize
Exam. This is a two-hour four-problem compeititon, available
only to first years at Cornell. The exam takes place in mid-to-late
April. Please contact us
if you are interested in participating. The competition will also be
announced on the mailing list.
- Sign up to the email list to get reminders about practice sessions,
registration for competitions, and any other information.
- Putnam practice sessions: fall semester, Tuesdays 4:45-6 in Malott
532. A collection of handouts from previous practice sessions
is here.
- A collection of old Putnam exams and solutions
is here.
- Old first-year prize exams are here.