Nicolas Templier

Research: automorphic forms, and nearby areas.
List of Publications
In 2018 I organized with S.W. Shin, W. Muller a third Simons symposium on "Relative trace formulas".
In 2017 I organized with S.W. Shin, W. Muller and B. Speh an Oberwolfach workshop on "Harmonic analysis and the trace formula".
In 2016 I organized with S.W. Shin and W. Muller a second Simons symposium on "Geometric aspects of the trace formula".
In 2015 I organized with D. Zywina the Upstate New York number theory conference.
In 2014 I organized with S.W. Shin and W. Muller a Simons symposium and a Banff workshop on "Families of automorphic forms and the trace formula".
Teaching: MATH4340 Honors Introduction to Algebra.
Past teaching (Cornell): MATH4310 Linear Algebra. MATH6120 Complex Analysis. MATH3320 Number theory. MATH6320 Algebra 2. MATH7370 Automorphic forms. MATH7370 Buildings. MATH6310 Algebra 1. MATH2210 Linear algebra. MATH1920 Calculus for Engineers.
(Princeton): MAT900 Junior seminar on celestial mechanics after Siegel's book. MAT514 Topics in automorphic forms: the philosophy of cusp forms. MAT202 Linear algebra. MAT103 Calculus 1. I served as director of Graduate Studies in 2011-2014 and organized the What's Happening in Fine Hall? seminar on Friday and the joint PU/IAS number theory seminar on Thursday.
Phone number: (607) 255-3443
npt twentyseven at cornell
Coordinates: 42.45°N 76.47°W
Mailing address:
Nicolas Templier
Department of Mathematics
Cornell University, Malott Hall
Ithaca, NY-14853-4201
My research is supported by the NSF. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.

[Cornell seminars] [Knight Institute for Writing]