Mail Services

Staff Support: Joy Jones

Regular Delivery Schedule

Campus Mail Services — delivered every morning between 8:30 and 9:00 AM and again between noon and 1:00 PM

U.S. Postal Service — delivered daily between noon and 1:00 PM


Faculty and graduate student mailboxes are located in the fifth floor mailroom, which is off limits to undergraduates. Administrative staff mailboxes are located in Joy Jones' office in 323 Malott Hall. A staff mailbox is also located in the fifth floor mailroom. It will be checked twice a day when Joy distributes the mail.

Outgoing Mail

Outgoing campus and U.S. mail can be left in the crates located in the fifth floor mailroom or in the mail slots outside Joy's office. Unstamped U.S. mail will be sent to Cornell Mail Services for metering, but only if a name is included with the return address.

Cornell PostMarket — a full-service U.S. Post Office is located at 245 ILR Research Building, next to Barton Hall on Garden Avenue. They are open 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday–Friday.


See Joy Jones for envelopes of various sizes. Campus mail envelopes are available in the copyroom. A small supply of envelopes is also available in the mailroom. Postage stamps may be purchased at the Cornell PostMarket or from the Cornell Store.

Express Mail

If it needs to get there in a hurry, get your package to Joy Jones no later than 3 PM and she will arrange to have it picked up by one of the following carriers:

Airborne Express [Drop Box Locations]

Federal Express


Cornell University has designated Airborne Express and UPS as preferred vendors for overnight and priority deliveries. The prices, service, tracking and reliability are exceptional.

Last modified: April 25, 2005