Course Evaluations

Student feedback is collected using a web-based application — for courses offered by Agriculture & Life Sciences, Arts & Sciences, Engineering, Human Ecology, Industrial & Labor Relations, and Physical Education. If you have questions about any of the following, please contact Mikki. CALS may have a slightly longer evaluation period than what is described below.

Spring 2013 Timeline

April 22
Deadline for instructors to add 1 or 2 supplemental questions to their evaluation forms by sending them to Mikki at
April 29
Students can start to evaluate courses. They will receive periodic reminders until they have submitted all of their evaluations. Once an evaluation has been submitted it cannot be revised.
May 8
Students have until 6:00 PM to complete their evaluations.
May 20 Last day to submit grades. Evaluation reports will be released to instructors/TAs after this date.

Core Questions and Standard Templates

The department's Teaching Evaluations Committee devised sets of core questions from which several templates were built with additional questions added to particular templates as appropriate. View the templates (below) to see what questions will be used for your course.

Templates for Courses Taught by the Learning Strategies Center:

Templates for Undergraduate Courses

  • MATH_Lec — for most 1000- and 2000-level lectures
  • MATH_Sec — for most 1000- and 2000-level discussions
  • MATH_LecGradGrader — for most 3000- and 4000-level courses; also used for MATH 1101 and 1102

A few specialized templates are also used:

  • MATH_LecHSGS — for MATH 1110 and the fall offering of MATH 1120 (includes MATH_Lec questions plus questions pertaining to homework study group sessions)
  • MATH_160 — for MATH 1600
  • MATH_171Lec — for MATH 1710 (includes MATH_Lec questions plus a question pertaining to the computer labs)
  • Courses with multiple large lectures — MATH 1920 in the spring, MATH 2930, and MATH 2940 — use special templates for the lectures because students tend to hop around from lecture to lecture. The first question asks the students which lecture they attended most often. The remaining questions are the same as the MATH_Lec template.
  • MATH_401 — for MATH 4010, the honors seminar
  • MATH_403 — for MATH 4030 when writing assignments are used
  • MATH_451 — for MATH 4510 when writing assignments are used

Templates for Graduate Courses

For simplicity's sake, grader questions are always asked, even when a graduate grader is not assigned.

Not Evaluated

  • MATH 1090 and 1104 because they are taught in Qatar.
  • MATH 4900, 4901, and 7900 because they are independent study courses.
  • MATH 5080 because most students do not officially enroll.
  • MATH 7550, 7560, 7710, and 7720 because they are seminars without instructors.

Last modified:May 16, 2013