Combinatorial & Algebraic Geometry Seminar

List of Talks given in 1994-95

Mon., September 26   Mark Gross, Cornell
Moduli spaces of abelian surfaces and Calabi-Yau threefolds
Mon., October 3   Andrei Gabrielov, MSI
Multiplicities of zeroes of polynomials on trajectories of polynomial vector fields
Mon., October 17   Erwin Lutwak, Polytechnic Univ.
Larger objects that cast smaller shadows
Mon., October 24   Tatiana Alekseyevskaya, Rutgers Univ.
Combinatorial bases in systems of simplices and chambers
Mon., October 31   Vic Reiner, Univ. of Minnesota
Rhombic tilings and free hyperplane arrangements
Mon., November 7   Yuri Tschinkel, Harvard University
Arithmetic of toric varieties
Mon., November 7   Viacheslav Nikulin, Steklov Institute
On the Kahler cone and Pickard number of Calabi-Yau 3-folds
Mon., November 28   Clara Chan, visiting MSI
Algebraic combinatorics of simplicial subdivisions
Mon., January 30   Jesus De Loera, Cornell
Triangulations with few neighbors
Fri., February 3   Mark Spivakovsky, Univ. of Toronto
Resolution of singularities in characteristic p
Mon., February 6   Mark Spivakovsky, Univ. of Toronto
Resolution of singularities in characteristic p, II
Tue., February 7   Mark Spivakovsky, Univ. of Toronto
Resolution of singularities in characteristic p, III
Mon., February 20   Sorin Popescu, Harvard Univ.
Calabi-Yau threefolds and equations of abelian surfaces
Mon., February 27   David Morrison, Cornell visitor
Conjectural constructions of mirror manifolds
Mon., March 6   Victor Batyrev, Univ. of Essen, Germany
String-cohomology of Gorenstein varieties
Mon., April 17   David Morrison, Cornell visitor
Hypergeometric functions, toric varieties, the secondary fan, and mirror symmetry
Mon., May 1   Nick Shephard-Barron, Cambridge Univ.
Foliations on algebraic varieties

Last modified: April 15, 2004