Discrete Geometry and Combinatorics Seminar

List of Talks given in 2002-03

Wednesday, September 4   Edward Swartz, Cornell University
Topological representations of matroids
Wednesday, September 11   Sam Hsiao, Cornell University
Structure of the peak Hopf algebra
Wednesday, September 18   Richard Pollack, New York University
On the Betti numbers of semi-algebraic sets
Wednesday, September 25   Károly Bezdek, Eötvös University, Budapest (Hungary)
On the Petty numbers of normed spaces
Wednesday, October 2   Robert Connelly, Cornell University
Rigidity and the Kneser-Poulsen conjecture
Wednesday, October 9   Robert Connelly, Cornell University
Unique factorization and rigidity
Friday, October 18   Stephanie van Willigenburg, University of British Columbia
Acyclic graphs and excedence permutations
Wednesday, October 30   Aleksandar Donev, Princeton University
Jamming in hard-sphere packings
Wednesday, November 6   Louis Billera, Cornell University
Some curious properties of the descent-to-peak map
Wednesday, November 20   Kristin Camenga, Cornell University
Euler-like relations for angle sums: geometry meets combinatorics
Wednesday, December 4   Sue Whitesides, McGill University
Box visibility graphs
Wednesday, January 22   Károly Bezdek, Eötvös University, Budapest (Hungary) and Cornell University
The Kneser-Poulsen conjecture for spherical polytopes
Wednesday, January 29   John Hubbard, Cornell University
The radius of injectivity of a quasi-Fuchsian manifold
Wednesday, February 5   Edward Swartz, Cornell University
Representation of matroids
Wednesday, February 12   John Hubbard, Cornell University
The radius of injectivity of a quasi-Fuchsian manifold II
Wednesday, February 19   Mike Develin, University of California at Berkeley
LP-orientations of cubes and crosspolytopes
Wednesday, March 12   Jean-Noel Roux, Institut Navier (France)
Geometry and mechanics of model granular packings
Wednesday, April 2   Matthias Beck, SUNY at Binghamton
Brion's theorem and its applications
Wednesday, April 23   Roland Roeder, Cornell University
The combinatorial aspects of Andreev's characterization of hyperbolic polyhedra
Wednesday, April 30   Allen Back, Cornell University
Group rings and global rigidity of symmetric tensegrities
Thursday, May 1   Kalle Karu, Harvard University
On rational and nonrational polytopes
Monday, May 19   Igor Rivin, Temple University
Measuring ellipsoids

Last modified: May 30, 2003