Discrete Geometry Seminar

List of Talks given in 1995-96

Thu., October 5   Bob Connelly, Cornell University
Uniform stability of sphere packings
Tue., October 17   Karoly Bezdek, Cornell visitor
Isoperimetric inequalities and the dodecahedral conjecture
Thu., November 9   Karoly Bezdek, Cornell visitor
A new proof for the isoperimetric inequality of Fejes Toth and Goldberg on convex polyhedra
Thu., November 16   Jianguo Cao, Cornell University
Isoperimetric and isodiametric inequalities on non-compact Lie groups
Thu., December 7   Lewis Ford, Harvard University
Intersection of spheres
Thu., February 15   Karoly Bezdek, Cornell visitor
A proof of Hadwiger’s covering conjecture for dual-to-cyclic polytopes
Thu., April 11   Richard Ehrenborg, Cornell University
Coproducts and the cd-index
Thu., May 2   Xing-Bin Pan, Zhejiang University
Singular perturbation problems in conformal geometry and semilinear equations

Last modified: April 15, 2004