Lie Groups Seminar

List of Talks given in 2010-11

Friday, September 10   Allen Knutson, Cornell University
Frobenius splitting of flag manifolds and projected Richardson varieties
Friday, September 17   George Khachatryan, Cornell University
Derived representation varieities
Friday, October 1   Weiqiang Wang, University of Virginia
Spin Hecke algebras
Friday, October 22   Alexander Gorokhovsky, University of Colorado
Formal deformations of gerbes and Azumaya algebras
Friday, October 29   Yuri Berest, Cornell University
Calogero-Moser spaces and applications
Friday, November 5   Ben Webster, University of Oregon
Categorification, Lie algebras, and topology
Friday, November 12   Vivek Shende, Princeton University
Quantum invariants of plane curve singularities and their links
Friday, November 19   Domingo Toledo, University of Utah
A Milnor-Wood inequality for complex hyperbolic lattices in quaternionic space
Friday, February 4   Meng-Kiat Chuah, National Tsing Hua University of Taiwan
Models of semisimple Lie groups
Friday, February 11   Mahdi Asgari, Oklahoma State University
Langlands functoriality for general spin groups
Friday, February 25   Pavle Pandzic, University of Zagreb and Cornell University
Dirac operators and unitary Harish-Chandra modules
Friday, March 11   Kevin Purbhoo, University of Waterloo
The Wronski map and jeu de taquin for OG(n,2n+1)
Friday, April 15   Allen Knutson, Cornell University
Polyhedral and path models for K-types of finite-dimensional G-reps
Friday, April 22   Pramod Achar, Louisiana State University
Green functions via hyperbolic localization
Friday, April 29   Peter Samuelson, Cornell University
Deformations of representation varieties of knot groups

Last modified:June 6, 2011