Number Theory Seminar

List of Talks given in 2005-06

Monday, August 29   Ravi Ramakrishna, Cornell University
Recent progress on Serre's conjecture
Monday, September 5   Ravi Ramakrishna, Cornell University
Recent progress on Serre's conjecture, part II
Monday, September 12   Alvaro Lozano-Robledo, Cornell University
Elliptic units and Galois representations
Monday, September 19   Ralph Greenberg, University of Washington
The structure of some modules occurring in number theory
Monday, September 26   Eknath Ghate, Tata Institute and Cornell University
On the local behavior or ordinary Galois representations
Monday, October 3   Henri Johnston, Cornell University
Galois module structure of rings of integers
Monday, October 17   Jason Martin, Cornell University
Building infinite 2-ray class towers of number fields with specified signature and bounded root discriminant
Monday, October 24   Shankar Sen, Cornell University
On some aspects of Galois representations
Monday, October 31   Alina Cojocaru, Princeton University
Effective versions of Serre's theorem for elliptic curves
Friday, November 11   David Rohrlich, Boston University
Root numbers
Monday, November 14   Farshid Hajir, University of Massachusetts
Post-critically finite polynomials and iterated monodromy representations
Monday, November 21   Anupam Srivastav, University at Albany
Normal integral basis and swan modules
Monday, November 28   Keith Conrad, University of Connecticut
Root numbers and ranks in positive characteristic
Monday, January 30   Henri Johnston, Cornell University
Galois module structure and change of base field
Monday, February 6   Alvaro Lozano-Robledo, Cornell University
A conjectural geometric description of principal congruence subgroups
Monday, February 13   Radu Murgescu, Cornell University
On class numbers
Monday, February 20   Alvaro Lozano-Robledo, Cornell University
Bernoulli numbers, Hurwitz numbers, p-adic L functions and Kummer-type criteria
Monday, February 27   Alvaro Lozano-Robledo, Cornell University
Bernoulli numbers, Hurwitz numbers, p-adic L-functions and Kummer-type criteria II
Monday, March 6   Alvaro Lozano-Robledo, Cornell University
Kummer-type criteria, part III: the punchline
Monday, March 13   Henri Johnston, Cornell University
Basics of Iwasawa theory
Monday, April 17   Alvaro Lozano-Robledo, Cornell University
Trivial bounds and elliptic curves of maximal rank

Last modified: May 22, 2006