Number Theory Seminar

List of Talks given in 2006-07

Monday, August 28   Aftab Pande, Brandeis University
Local constancy of dimensions of Hecke Eigenspaces of automorphic forms
Monday, October 16   Benjamin Lundell, Cornell University
Tate’s thesis
Monday, October 23   Sreekar Shastry, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
The Drinfeld modular Jacobian J_1(n) has connected fibers
Monday, November 20   Stephen Miller, Rutgers University
Analytic continuation of automorphic L-functions
Thursday, March 15   Ryota Matsuura, Boston University
Root numbers of elliptic curves
Thursday, May 3   Kenneth Ribet, University of California at Berkeley
Degrees of modular parametrizations of elliptic curves

Last modified:June 5, 2007