Number Theory Seminar

List of Talks given in 2008-09

Wednesday, September 10   Krzysztof Klosin, Cornell University
The Bloch-Kato conjecture for modular forms - an introduction
Wednesday, September 17   Krzysztof Klosin, Cornell University
Congruences among automorphic forms and the Bloch-Kato conjecture
Wednesday, September 24   Ben Lundell, Cornell University
Growth of torsion subgroups of elliptic curves in towers of number fields
Wednesday, October 1   Aftab Pande, Cornell University
Infinitely ramified Galois representations, part I
Wednesday, October 8   Aftab Pande, Cornell University
Infinitely ramified Galois representations, part II
Wednesday, October 22   June Zhu, SUNY Buffalo
Crystalline Galois representations and their reduction mod p
Wednesday, November 12   Mahesh Agarwal, McMaster University
p-adic L-functions on GSp(4) x GL(2)
Wednesday, November 19   Adrian Vasiu, Binghamton University
Reconstructing p-divisible groups from their truncations of small level
Wednesday, December 3   Krzysztof Klosin, Cornell University
Modular forms and arithmetic

Last modified:December 2, 2009