Probability Seminar (MATH 771-772)

List of Talks given in 2004-05

Monday, September 6   Gregory Lawler, Cornell University
Two-sided SLE_{8/3} and self-avoiding polygons in the plane
Monday, September 13   Laurent Saloff-Coste, Cornell University
Cut-off phenomena
Monday, September 20   Robert Bauer, University of Illinois
Radial stochastic Loewner evolution in multiply connected domains
Monday, September 27   Wendelin Werner, Orsay
Loop-soups and conformal field theory
Monday, October 4   Paul Jung, Cornell University
Adding edges to the contact process
Monday, October 18   Harry Kesten, Cornell University
A problem in one-dimensional diffusion limited aggregation and positive recurrence of Markov chains
Monday, October 25   Anja Sturm, University of Delaware
The coalescent for a model with mutation and selection
Monday, November 1   Edward Waymire, Oregon State University and Cornell University
Branching random walk and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Monday, November 15   Federico Camia, EURANDOM
The full scaling limit of 2D critical percolation
Monday, November 22   Sunder Sethuraman, Iowa State University
Diffusive estimates for a tagged particle in asymmetric zero-range systems
Monday, November 29   Lee Gibson, Cornell University
Survival among traps on an infinite graph
Monday, January 31   Edward Waymire, Oregon State University and Cornell University
Heterogeneous dispersion and skew diffusion
Monday, February 7   Gregory Lawler, Cornell University
The lambda-SAW walk
Monday, February 14   Sharad Goel, Cornell University
Mixing times for top to bottom shuffles
Monday, February 21   Eugene Dynkin, Cornell University
A class of harmonic functions on the space of measures associated with a superdiffusion
Monday, February 28   David Aldous, University of California at Berkeley
A tractable complex network model
Monday, March 7   Gennady Samorodnitsky, Cornell University
Ergodicity of stable processes
Monday, March 14   Toufic Suidan, New York University
A GUE central limit theorem and universality of last passage percolation fluctuations in thin rectangles
Monday, March 28   Julien Berestycki, University of Paris VI
Small time behavior for beta-coalescents
Monday, April 4   Stas Volkov, University of Bristol
A polling system with 3 queues and 1 server is a.s. periodic when transient: dynamical and stochastic systems, and chaos
Monday, April 11   Dan Stroock, MIT
Much ado about a simple PDE
Monday, April 18   Haya Kaspi, Technion
Splitting and coalescence associated with skew Brownian motion
Monday, April 25   Richard Durrett, Cornell University
Life in a small world
Monday, May 2   Henrik Hult, Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
Extremal behavior of stochastic integrals driven by multivariate regularly varying Levy processes

Last modified: April 29, 2005