Topology & Geometric Group Theory Seminar (MATH 755-756)

List of Talks given in 1998-99

Wednesday, October 7   David Cruickshank, University of Glasgow
New invariants for groups
Friday, October 16   Benson Farb, University of Chicago
Discrete groups acting on compact manifolds
Wednesday, November 4   Martin Lustig, Bochum
Free group automorphisms of exponential growth
Thursday, November 5   Karoly Bezdek, Cornell University
The isoperimetric problems of Voronoi cells in unit ball packings of E^d
Thursday, November 12   F. T. Farrell, Binghamton University
Calculating Whitehead groups (or at least trying to)
Tuesday, February 9   Steve Zdancewic, Cornell University
Topology in programming language semantics
Thursday, February 11   Alan Durfee, Mt. Holyoke College
Polynomial knots
Tuesday, February 16   Chris Hruska, Cornell University
The B. B. Newman spelling theorem
Thursday, February 25   Jim West, Cornell University
Introduction to controlled topology II
Tuesday, March 2   Jim West, Cornell University
Introduction to controlled topology III
Thursday, April 15   Ilya Kapovich, Rutgers University
On mapping tori of endomorphisms of free groups
Tuesday, April 20   Ryan Budney, Cornell University
Diffeomorphism groups of manifolds
Tuesday, April 27   Peter Abramenko, University of Bielefeld
Some group theoretic applications of buildings
Thursday, April 29   Peter Abramenko, University of Bielefeld
On some generalizations of the Solomon-Tits theorem

Last modified: March 30, 2004