Topology & Geometric Group Theory Seminar (MATH 755-756)

List of Talks given in 2005-06

Tuesday, September 6   Francesco Matucci, Firenze and Cornell University
The simultaneous conjugacy problem for Thompson's group F is solvable
Tuesday, September 20   Edward Swartz, Cornell University
f-vectors and manifolds
Tuesday, September 27   Craig Johnson, Marywood & Cornell University
A computer search for free actions on orientable surfaces
Tuesday, October 4   Jason Behrstock, University of Utah
Relative hyperbolicity and the mapping class group
Tuesday, October 18   Ross Geoghegan, SUNY at Binghamton
Associativity and Thompson's group
Tuesday, October 25   Mikhail Ershov, Yale University and IAS
Finite presentations of pro-p groups and Lie algebras
Tuesday, November 1   Matthew Horak, Trinity College
Group actions on order trees
Tuesday, November 8   Marc Lackenby, Oxford University
Counting covering spaces and subgroups in dimension 3
Monday, November 14   Michael Handel, CUNY
The commensurator group of Out(F_n)
Tuesday, November 22   Andrzej Zuk, University of Paris 7 & Institute for Advanced Study
Automata groups
Tuesday, November 29   Collin Bleak, SUNY at Binghamton
Solvability in groups of piecewise-linear homeomorphisms of the unit interval
Tuesday, December 6   Seonhee Lim, Yale University
Minimal volume entropy on graphs and buildings
Thursday, January 26   Ruth Charney, Brandeis
Outer space for right-angled Artin groups
Tuesday, January 31   Pedro Ontaneda, SUNY Binghamton
Ricci flow and negative curvature in higher dimensions
Thursday, February 9   Josep Burillo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
The braided Thompson's group
Tuesday, February 14   James Conant, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
The rational unstable homology of automorphism groups of free groups
Tuesday, February 21   Tom Stiadle, Wells College and Cornell University
Characterizing centers of graphs of groups
Tuesday, February 28   Tara Brendle, Louisiana State University
The Johnson filtration of the mapping class group and Heegaard splittings of 3-manifolds
Thursday, March 9   Zoran Sunik, Texas A&M University
Hanoi towers, Schreier graphs, iterated monodromy groups and Julia sets
Tuesday, March 14   Donald Cartwright, University of Sydney
Groups acting simply transitively on the vertices of a building
Thursday, March 16   Udo Baumgartner, University of Newcastle, Australia
Flat rank as a geometric invariant of totally disconnected, locally compact groups
Tuesday, March 28   Vladimir Shpilrain, City College of New York
Densities in free and free abelian groups
Thursday, March 30   Nikolay Nikolov, Oxford University
Counting primes, groups, and manifolds
Tuesday, April 4   Craig Johnson, Marywood & Cornell University
An obstruction to embedding a simplicial n-complex into a 2n-manifold
Tuesday, April 18   Francesco Matucci, Firenze and Cornell University
On trivalent directed graphs and conjugacy classes of Thompson's group F
Tuesday, May 2   Stefan Wenger, New York University
Isoperimetric inequalities of Euclidean and sub-Euclidean type in metric spaces

Last modified: May 23, 2006