Topology & Geometric Group Theory Seminar

List of Talks given in 2010-11

Tuesday, August 31   Emily Dryden, Bucknell University
Upper bounds for eigenvalues of submanifolds
Tuesday, September 7   Lucas Sabalka, Binghamton University
On the geometry of Out(F_n)
Tuesday, September 14   Justin Moore, Cornell University
Laver tables and Thompson’s group F
Tuesday, September 21   Martin Kassabov, Cornell University
On a conjecture of Borel and Tits about abstract homomorphisms between algebraic groups
Tuesday, October 5   Jim Davis, Indiana University
Equivariant rigidity, Smith theory, and actions on tori
Tuesday, October 19   Zoran Sunic, Texas A&M University
Hanoi twin towers
Tuesday, October 26   Hee Jung Kim, Binghamton University
Double point surgery and exotic group actions in 4-manifolds
Tuesday, November 9   Matt Zaremsky, University of Virginia
Weyl transitive but not strongly transitive group actions on buildings
Tuesday, November 30   Patricia Hersh, North Carolina State University and Cornell University
Shelling Coxeter-like complexes and sorting on trees
Tuesday, December 7   Igor Rapinchuk, Yale University
Linear representations of Chevalley groups over rings: two approaches
Tuesday, January 25   Iddo Samet, Hebrew University
Homology and volume of negatively curved orbifolds
Tuesday, February 1   Tom Church, University of Chicago
Representation theory and homological stability
Tuesday, February 15   Timothy Riley, Cornell University
The Dehn function of Baumslag’s metabelian group
Tuesday, February 22   Tomoo Matsumura, Cornell University
Hamiltonian torus actions on orbifolds
Thursday, March 3   Matt Clay, Allegheny College
The geometry of right-angled Artin subgroups of mapping class groups
Tuesday, March 8   Sang-hyun (Sam) Kim, KAIST and Tufts University
Hyperbolic surface subgroups of one-ended doubles of free groups
Tuesday, March 15   Juan Alonso, Cornell University
New examples of the cyclic JSJ decomposition for groups
Tuesday, March 29   Chris Cashen, University of Utah
Virtually geometric multiwords
Tuesday, April 5   Owen Baker, Cornell University
The Jacobian map on outer space
Tuesday, April 12   Ilya Kapovich, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Spectrally rigid subsets of free groups
Thursday, April 14   Nitu Kitchloo, University of California at San Diego
Bott-Samelson resolutions, universal lifts and Kac-Moody groups
Tuesday, April 19   Pallavi Dani, Louisiana State University
Filling invariants at infinity
Tuesday, April 26   Victor Kostyuk, Cornell University
Contractibility of fixed point sets in an outer space for 2-dimensional right-angled Artin groups

Last modified:June 6, 2011