Teacher Development

We assist mathematics teachers and students at several local schools at all grades, with primary emphasis on the secondary level (grades 7–12). Major activities include the following. Please contact Mary Ann Huntley for more information.

MATH 5080: Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers

During each academic year we offer a series of four full-day workshops for secondary math teachers. Anyone interested in issues related to the teaching and learning of secondary mathematics (e.g., pre-service teachers, students, and mathematicians) is welcome to attend. We examine principles underlying the content of the secondary school mathematics curriculum, including connections with the history of mathematics, technology, and mathematics education research. Participation at one workshop is not prerequisite to attending another.

The Algebra Project

Professor David Henderson works with teachers across the country through his work on The Algebra Project, which serves students who are performing in the bottom quartile on state and national tests. His special experiencial-based high school geometry curricular materials have been used in NY, CA, OH, MI, IL, MD, SC, FL, VA, and MS. For more detail about Henderson’s work on the Algebra Project, see www.math.cornell.edu/~henderson/AP/.

Electronic Newsletter

Mary Ann Huntley maintains an electronic mailing list for disseminating information about upcoming mathematics education events at Cornell and other professional development offerings. To be added to the list, please email your contact information to Mary Ann.

Last modified: February 8, 2013