The Early History of the Cornell Mathematics Department
Following Evan's death, the Cornell Mathematics Department
underwent significant changes. From 1873 to 1895, it shifted from
a department teaching only "undergraduate" mathematics to one actively
engaged in training at the graduate level. The major influence
toward this change was James Edward Oliver, chair of the department
throughout this 22-year period.
Oliver is probably most noted in the general Cornell culture
as the 'famous absent-minded professor'. For example, in a letter
to the Cornell Alumni News in 1953, Walter F. Willcox (1861-1964), a
statistician and former colleague, described this scene involving Oliver:
He was walking along East Avenue about noon towards
his office in White Hall when he stopped to chat with a
friend. When the friend started away, Oliver
hesitated for a moment and then called out, "Which
way was I going when we met?" The friend answered,
"Toward your office, Professor Oliver." Having
got that steer, he started off, calling out contentedly
over his shoulder, "Thank you, that means that I have
had my lunch." [58]
However interesting and amusing these stories are they
do little to describe the true nature of James Edward Oliver.
He was born in Maine on July 27, 1827 into a family with lineage to
the first settlers in colonial Massachusetts. As a boy he was
frail, and so spent much of his time indoors involved in books.
The state of his health kept him from school in fact, until age seven,
but he was nevertheless instructed at home by his mother, herself a
teacher. By the time Oliver went to school he was far advanced
in subjects usually not of interest to children his age, chief among
them astronomy and literature.
Oliver also developed an ethical sense quite extraordinary
for a youth. He was apparently very vocal in his positions against
both slavery and the use of tobacco, on one occasion "standing
upon the counter of his father's banking-room eloquently expostulating
with a group of men addicted to tobacco-smoking or to too much wine"
[10, 61]. His ethical convictions were not the mere folly of youth.
In later years, "he was on terms of intimacy with the noted anti-slavery
leaders of eastern Massachusetts, and was regarded by them as an efficient
helper in forming the public sentiment which eventually compelled the
removal of this peculiar institution from our country" [10,61].
At age seventeen Oliver entered Harvard as a sophomore.
There, his interest in mathematics was stirred by Benjamin Peirce (1809-1880)
who thought a great deal of his student's mathematical abilities [34,
141]. Horace Davis later president of the University of California
and Oliver's roommate his last two years at Harvard, described him as
"a remarkable man in many respects. He had a strong individuality,
amounting almost to eccentricity. He was sturdy and independent
in his thought and conscientious in his conviction, yet he was modest,
retiring in his demeanor" [10,62]. As for mathematics, "...he
devoured [it] with an eager appetite," Davis recounted. "[W]hen,
in his senior year, he was given the Mécanique Céleste
to study he would often become so absorbed as to prolong his work into
the small hours of the morning, and I have many times waked up from
my first nap to see him still poring over the ponderous volume long
after midnight" [10,63].
Oliver graduated with an A.B.in 1849 and through the encouragement
of his mentor, Peirce, took a position with the newly opened Nautical
Almanac Office in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This federally funded
organization was set up to compile a nautical almanac for the use of
commercial as well as naval ships. However, it also became a haven
for mathematicians and astronomers [31,14], and Oliver remained there
until just after the office moved to Washington, D.C. in 1867.
In fact, he "did not take kindly to the work necessitated by the publication
of the American Ephemeris. . . . It soon became drudgery to him, and
he would rather have devoted his energies to original research in higher
algebra" [10,65]. Only because of the proximity to Harvard and
the chance for the intellectual stimulation Peirce and the university
offered did he stay with the Almanac Office so long.
In the three years from 1868 to 1871, Oliver's professional
life was in flux. In 1871, however, he accepted an offer of an
Assistant Professorship of Mathematics at Cornell. His professional
life firmly took root there.
Harvard's Benjamin Peirce considerably influenced the
development of mathematics at Cornell. Both Oliver (A.B. 1849)
and Wait (A.B. 1870) had been Harvard graduates, with Oliver part of
the advanced program at Harvard's Lawrence Scientific School "offered
at that time by no other institution in the land" [18,178]. Moreover,
the notable William Byerly (1849-1935) took both an A.B., 1871 and a
Ph.D. (one of the first) in 1873 from Harvard, before moving on to a
position at Cornell in 1873. Byerly stayed only for three years
before returning to teach at Harvard, where he eventually became professor
(1881-1913) and served as editor of the Annals of Mathematics.
It was in the department animated by Oliver, Wait, and Byerly that the
mathematics curriculum changed substantially from that of Cornell's
earliest years. At its opening in 1868, Cornell offered
freshmen: Loomis's Trestise on Algebra and Elements of
Geometry plus conic sections; sophomores: Loomis's T rigonometry
and Analytical Geometry plus Church's Differential Calculus;
juniors: Howison's Analytical Geometry and lectures on Modern
Higher Geometry plus Church's Integral Calculus [24,135].
Beginning in 1874, however, the curriculum beyond calculus included
courses in "differential equations, finite differences, quaternions,
imaginaries, mathematical essays, seminary work, etc." for those students
pursuing a degree in mathematics [18, 184]. The seminary work
was given to those planning on careers in teaching. Following
the departure of Byerly and Arnold in 1876, George Jones (1837-1911),
a Yale A.B. (1859) and A.M. (1862), was hired as Assistant Professor,
and Lucien Wait was promoted to Associate Professor to take some of
the administrative burden off the shoulders of Oliver. These three
men, Oliver, Wait and Jones, formed the core of the Mathematics Department
for the next eighteen years. This triumvirate would slowly lead
the department toward an active graduate program in mathematics.
As noted above, Cornell offered no graduate-level mathematics
initially. By the mid-1870s, however, an "advanced course of study
in Pure and Applied Mathematics ha[d] been established for resident
graduates, and for such undergraduates as may elect . . ." [25,43].
This was the beginnings of graduate-level mathematics at Cornell.
According to the catalog description:
Further instruction will be given in algebra and calculus; especially
in the theories of imaginaries, elliptic integrals, differential
equations, finite differences, and calculus of variations.
Also in analytical and anharmonic geometry.
Instruction will also be given in analytic and celestial
mechanics; and in quaternions, quantics, the theory of probabilities,
least squares, insurance, and the theory of numbers [25,43].
At first, this program attracted few graduate students.
In fact, no advanced degrees were awarded in mathematics (with the exception
of Eddy's Ph.D. in 1872) until 1885 when Edward Charles Murphy (1859-1934)
earned a Masters of Science degree. The next year Hiram John Messenger
(1855-1913) took a Ph.D. under Oliver's direction. Murphy went
on to study and teach civil engineering while Messenger ended up an
actuary [19].
Within this same timeframe, 1872-1886, The Johns Hopkins
University was founded, and James Joseph Sylvester, as chair in Mathematics,
led the first extensive graduate mathematics program in America.
From 1876 to1884, Hopkins had sixteen mathematics fellows and awarded
nine Ph.D.'s [46,97]. Sylvester's departure for the Savilian Professorshi[
of Geometry at Oxford at the end of 1883, however, left a void to fill
in American graduate level mathematics. Oliver wanted Cornell
to take an active role in filling this void. He expressed this
sentiment explicitly to the Cornell University President in an 1887
yet one of our number, whose experience as a student, and as a
teacher, enables him to judge,-- assures us that, now Professor
Sylvester has gone back to England, the opportunities offered
here to the average student of the higher pure mathematics are
quite as good as those at any other university in the country.
Unfortunately, several factors prevented Cornell from quickly stepping
into a leadership role in the emerging American mathematical research
First, the backgrounds of the leaders of the Cornell Mathematics
Department at this time hindered their overall effectiveness at the
graduate level. Neither Oliver or Wait nor Jones had ever been
primarily a research mathematician; none of them had a Ph.D.
Although Oliver had the most advanced training of the three, given his
work with Peirce at Harvard, he tended to do mathematics without a specific
focus and for his own gratification. Arthur S. Hathaway (1855-1934),
a former student of Sylvester at Johns Hopkins and a colleague of Oliver
at Cornell put it this way: "Professor Oliver is a rare genius, powerful,
able, but without the slightest ambition to publish his results.
He works in mathematics for the love of it" [18, 179].
Second and perhaps more importantly, the foremost responsibility
of Oliver, Wait, and Jones at Cornell was to the undergraduate mathematics
program. For example, in 1880-81 Oliver taught an average of 18
1/3 hours per week, Wait 15 2/3 hours per week, and Jones 15 1/3 hours
per week [1,12], with most of these hours devoted to undergraduate mathematics
student. Little time remained for graduate level instruction of
for publishing original research, even if Oliver, Wait, and Jones had
been disposed toward research and publication. The thrust toward
the production of original research was unprecedented in America before
the founding of Hopkins and was as yet not felt at Cornell. There
was a need to publish classroom textbooks, however, and the Cornell
faculty did so under joint authorship. Two of their most important
books were: A Treatise on Algebra (1887) and A Treatise on Trigonometry
(1881). They wrote these books specifically to satisfy the needs of
their undergraduate program.
The clash between teaching and research in the decade
of the 1880s resulted in a crisis of identity in the Mathematics Department
at Cornell. Oliver led a department still very much suited to
teaching undergraduate mathematics, but nevertheless desirous of a graduate
program. Reaching that new plateau would undoubtedly mean a struggle
with the administration of the university. Oliver wanted additional
faculty to allow his department time for more than just teaching;
he wanted them to have the opportunity to do and to lead in research.
Repeatedly in the 1880s, Oliver brought his arguments before the President
of Cornell. In 1883, for example, he wrote in his annual
report to the President:
. . . I now state that, whenever the income of the University
will allow it, there ought to be appointed an additional mathematical
professor of a high grade. We can go on satisfactorily and
even creditably as we are going, for some time longer, but it
should be borne in mind that the science of mathematics has been
of late years greatly extended, and that as a consequence at the
more important Universities of this and other countries there
is a steady tendency toward an increase in the number of mathematical
professors. A reason for joining in this movement whenever
we shall be able to do so is seen in the fact that in no other
department of study is there such an amount of talent scattered
about our country and waiting to be developed. Mathematical
geniuses are to be found in every part of our land, even among
those who have enjoyed few advantages in instruction. To
attract and develop this genius and talent should be one of our
aims, and this can only be done by drawing into our Faculty more
and more men recognized as leaders in various parts of this field
of thought. [2,25]
Oliver was clearly aware that the development of the mathematical
talent of American students required increased attention to advanced
mathematical education, and that more resources would be needed to accomplish
this goal at Cornell. Oliver also saw the need for these additional
faculty to be trained to handle more advanced mathematics and to have
the time to pursue original research. His annual report in 1887
underscored these points:
We are not unmindful of the fact that by publishing more we
could help to strengthen the university, and that we ought to
do so if it were possible. Indeed, every one of us five is now
preparing work for publication or expect to be doing so this summer,
but such work progresses very slowly because the more immediate
duties of each day leave us so little of that freshness, without
which good theoretical work cannot be done. [6,58]
He reiterated his position the next year as well:
Of course one important means toward this end is the publication
of treatises for teaching, and of original work. A little
in both lines has been done during the past year, though less
than would have been but for the pressure of other University
work, and less than we hope to accomplish next year. [7,75]
Last modified:
April 7, 2003