Funding Opportunities for Graduate Student Travel

Conference Organizers often earmark funds to help graduate students with expenses. Take the time to investigate these possibilities even though they may not be mentioned on the conference web site. When funds are not available, one of the following sources may be of help.


Conference Transportation Grant

Full-time registered graduate students who have been invited to present papers or posters at professional conferences may apply to the Cornell Graduate School for grants to help cover transportation expenses. The application deadline is the first day of the month preceding the month in which the conference is scheduled. (For example, February 1 is the deadline for submitting travel grant applications for a March conference.) Awards are announced two weeks after the deadline. Application deadlines are strictly enforced. Students who have not received confirmation that their papers have been accepted may apply and then later provide the appropriate documentation once it becomes available.

Research Travel Grants

Full-time registered graduate students may apply to the Cornell Graduate School for grants for research-related travel in the United States and abroad. These grants are intended for travel in the fall or spring semester that is directly related to dissertation research, not for conference travel; funds are not awarded for summer travel. Priority is given to Ph.D. students who have or will have passed the A Exam prior to initiating their travel, or to those students who need to do pre-dissertation research. Travel is to be several weeks to months in duration. Priority is given to those who need to travel a considerable distance from Ithaca. The application deadline is early November. More information is available at the web site below.

International Research Travel Grants

The Mario Einaudi Center assists faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates in identifying sources of funding for international research, study, and scholarship by providing both direct funding and information and referral services. Direct funding is available in the form of International Research Travel Grants for Cornell graduate students sponsored by the Einaudi Center and its constituent programs in cooperation with the Graduate School. Several forms of additional funding are available through the Area Studies Programs. One of these is the Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowship. The Einaudi Center also coordinates the on-campus review process for the Fulbright Program of the U.S. Department of State.

Last modified:June 15, 2012