2005–2006 News Archive

Gregory Lawler Awarded Pólya Prize

Gregory Lawler has been selected by the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) to receive the 2006 George Pólya Prize for groundbreaking work on the development and application of Stochastic Loewner Evolution (SLE).  He will share the prize with Oded Schramm and Wendelin Werner for their joint work.  Established in 1969, the George Pólya Prize is given every two years in one of two alternating categories.  This year’s prize will be awarded at the 2006 SIAM Annual Meeting to be held July 10-14, 2006 in Massachussetts.  The Pólya Prize was awarded once before to a Cornell mathematician:  Harry Kesten in 1994. [About the Polya Prize]
posted May 18, 2006

Karen Vogtmann to be 2007 AWM Noether Lecturer

The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) has announced the selection of Karen Vogtmann as the 2007 AWM Noether Lecturer. The Noether Lectures honor women who have made fundamental and sustained contributions to the mathematical sciences. This one-hour expository lecture will be presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in New Orleans, January 2007. Emmy Noether was one of the great mathematicians of her time, someone who worked and struggled for what she loved and believed in. Her life and work remain a tremendous inspiration.
posted May 18, 2006

Keeping and Sharing Secrets

Professor Graeme Bailey, Department of Computer Science, will give a public lecture Wednesday, April 26th, 4:30 PM in Malott Hall's Bache Auditorium (room 228) for Mathematics Awareness Month. His lecture, Keeping and Sharing Secrets, will be aimed at a general audience. [Poster]
posted April 19, 2006

Saloff-Coste Wins Guggenheim Fellowship

Laurent Saloff-Coste has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship by the the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Prof. Saloff-Coste joins a select group of men and women who have demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts. Established in 1925 by United States Senator Simon Guggenheim and his wife in memory of their son, the foundation offers fellowships to further the development of scholars and artists by assisting them to engage in research in any field of knowledge and creation in any of the arts, under the freest possible conditions and irrespective of race, color, or creed. Previous winners in the department include Wolfgang Fuchs (1956), Harry Kesten (1972), Cliff Earle (1974), Leonard Gross (1974), Moss Sweedler (1980) John Guckenheimer (1983), and Richard Durrett (1988).
—posted March 8, 2006

Awards Presented at Department Holiday Party

On Friday, December 2nd, at the department's annual holiday party, Department Chair Ken Brown presented the department teaching awards for 2005. David Henderson received the senior faculty award for his dedication to teaching and to training and inspiring the next generation of mathematics teachers, and for developing innovative classroom methods and textbooks which have had a national impact on the teaching of geometry to prospective teachers.

Hsiao-Bing Cheng won the junior faculty award. Students cite his "unmatched clarity and precision," his ability to "make difficult topics easy to grasp and to follow," as well as his skill at "providing a good challenge;" in addition, they find him "friendly and approachable" both in class and out. The teaching assistant award was given jointly to Melanie Pivarski and Treven Wall. The selection committee was impressed by Melanie's patience and skill in guiding students at all levels to discover mathematics for themselves, and for her contributions to mentoring her fellow graduate students as TAs. They cited Treven's creativity and innovation in instruction that engages students in thinking about mathematical ideas in accessible and meaningful ways.

Director of Graduate Studies Michael Stillman presented the Battig Prize jointly to Sarah Koch and Andrei Maxim, the York Award to Guan-Yu Chen, and the Hutchinson Award to Henri Johnston and Mauricio Velasco.

Log Cabin was the winner of the third annual gingerbread house contest. It was completed by: Jessica Zuniga, Ben Chan, James Worthington, Mauricio Velasco, Jay Schweig, Sarah Koch, Heather Armstrong, Drew Armstrong, Bradley Forrest, Mike O'Connor, Luke Rogers, and Tim Goldberg.

Related Links: Teaching Awards | Graduate Student Awards | Holiday Party Photos
posted December 5, 2005

Faculty Member Elected to Fellowship of the Royal Society of New Zealand

On November 16th, the Academy Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand held its 40th Fellows' Annual General Meeting in Wellington. At the AGM, nine new Fellows were elected, among them visiting Professor Bakhadyr Khoussainov.
—posted November 29, 2005

Sacks Prize Awarded to Recent Cornell Ph.D.

Antonio Montalban has been awarded the Sacks prize by the Association of Symbolic Logic this year for the best dissertation in logic world wide. His dissertation, Beyond the Arithmetic, was written under the direction of Richard Shore. Antonio is our second winner (Denis Hirschfeldt '99 was the first).
Related: ASL: About the Sacks Prize
—posted October 24, 2005; revised October 27, 2005

Cornell Faculty to Speak at International Congress of Mathematicians

Cornell Mathematics professors Birgit Speh and Karen Vogtmann have been invited to address the International Congress of Mathematicians, to be held in August 2006 in Madrid, Spain. Other speakers include alumni Martin Bridson (Ph.D. 1991) and Jon Kleinberg (B.A. 1993). The ICM is held once every four years and is attended by thousands of mathematicians from around the world. Professors Harry Kesten, Greg Lawler and John Smillie gave invited addresses in August 2002 in Beijing.
posted October 11, 2005

Persi Diaconis to Give Kieval Lecture

On Wednesday, September 14th, Persi Diaconis will give the 2005 Kieval Lecture. His talk, Mathematics and Magic Tricks, is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Refreshments will be served at 4:00 PM in 532 Malott Hall, and the talk will begin at 4:30 PM in Malott Hall's Bache Auditorium.
Related: poster in PDF | Cornell Daily Sun Article
posted September 12, 2005

The Uncertainty Principle [CyberTower Views]

Cornell's CyberTower is a forum for faculty to discuss interesting things. Prof. Robert Strichartz is the first Mathematics Department contributor. Click here to access a movie of him talking about The Uncertainty Principle. His remarks are aimed at a general audience.
posted August 22, 2005

John Guckenheimer New Associate Dean of CIS

John Guckenheimer has been appointed associate dean of Computing and Information Science, effective August 1, 2005. Details can be found in the following sources:

posted August 16, 2005; revised November 30, 2005

Crocheting Hyperbolic Space

Senior Research Associate Daina Taimina was featured in a recent article in the New York Times for her ability to crochet models of hyperbolic space.

Professor Lets Her Fingers Do the Talking, New York Times, July 11, 2005.

Surfaces can be described using the notion of curvature — a flat plane has zero curvature, a sphere has constant positive curvature, but a hyperbolic plane is a surface with constant negative curvature. In the 1970s William Thurston came up with an idea to make a model of a hyperbolic plane out of paper. In 1997 Daina saw such a model for the first time and decided to make a set for her geometry class using crochet. Recently her work has been of interest in the art world. Some of her models are on display in the art show "Not the Knitting You Know" June 13–September 10, 2005, Washington D.C.

See also Well now, isn't this a cozy little cosmos, LA Times, July 29, 2005.
posted July 28, 2005

Jahrbuch Project Receives PAM Award

The Jahrbuch Project has been given the PAM Division Award for 2005 by the Special Libraries Association for its significant contribution to the field of Mathematics. This award honors work that demonstrably improves the exchange of information in physics, mathematics or astronomy, and that benefits libraries or enhances the ability of librarians to provide service. The award was presented in Toronto during the annual meeting of the SLA on Tuesday, June 7, 2005, at the PAM Annual Business Meeting and Breakfast. Prof. Dr. Bernd Wegner (TU Berlin), long-time editor-in-chief of Zentralblatt für Mathematik, and Professor Keith Dennis, former editor-in-chief of Mathematical Reviews were project editors. More
posted July 20, 2005

Last modified:January 15, 2013